Just got my coronabux and going to watch kinos all day to celebrate.
Is this how comfy NEETS feel everytime?
Just got my coronabux and going to watch kinos all day to celebrate
I'm never going back to work senpai
Being a NEET is awful if you go on too long
got my neet bux today and got put on an 8 week furlough from my job even though i'm an assistant manager. i came home and got trashed while my 30 something roastie roommate lectured me about calling her autistic. i don't know if i'll make it through this bros.
I already get NEETbux but I’m glad others can experience the joy of gibs.
Although there’s never been a better time to be one!
would you prefer to be a Wagie until you blow your dick off?
or live the redpilled comfy life of a man of leisure?
all im offering is the truth
you offer a life of comfort, complacency, and control.
>never had a job in my life
>still get the NEETbux
>wasting your life doing nothing to improve yourself
I am at a point where improving myself isn’t really going to help.
coping mechanism
i’m still waiting on mine, do they send you an email or do you just sit on your bank account website spam f5?
>would love to slave away at walmart or construction sites until i want to blow my brains out
>there are two jobs
>he thinks wageslaving is an improvement
I’m 21 and live with my dad
I did my taxes and got my refund
If I ask my dad not to put me down as a dependent when I probably very well am a dependent just so I can get trump bux will the government find out and swoop in? Otherwise I don’t think I’m getting trump bux
>pink collar jobs are the only jobs in the world
It's not mandatory when filing taxes to claim someone as your dependent even if they actually are. You do it because it usually means a bigger tax refund.
Trump will personally come and shoot you in the head, walk over to your life-less body and take the money straight out of your pocket
>NEET for 8 years.
What exactly are u telling the government to get this shit?
you have to pay taxes leech
you have to yell fuck niggers NEET for life out of your window
It depends on where you live, as some states are wealthier and more liberal than others. I’m in California and needed my mom to help me the whole way through since she’s good with money and I’m pathetic. I would never have been able to do it on my own; it took months, and the process was circuitous and frustrating.
it's very sad to me that these types actually exist
You’re telling me
Well I did try to go on centrelink (welfare) once, but they put me on some job course thing where I had to go in a room with a bunch of other strangers in the same position, so I panicked and bailed. Spent the rest of the 8 years being depressed and feeling unworthy of any income. All i needed was my $20 a month for internet.
Your "redpilled comfy life of a man of leisure" is completely hollow, killing time instead of living. The point of being a wage slave isn't to just keep your useless existance sustained, it's to find someone or something you love and provide for them, finding a sense of purpose vicariously through their contentment. The fate of every NEET is ultimately homelessness after their parents die and suicide. You will die alone having thrown away your one chance at life, and consuming media is just a way to distract you from that creeping existential dread
t. 24 year old NEET
>assistant manager
>ASSISTANT manager
lmao, there's your problem right there
There is only one job: Making money for your jew boss.
False. Also, the alternative is staying home and being full-dependant on your parents or the government like the useless good boy you are. And when the brown masses invade, just die and let them have your country and go down without a fight.
Human trash
>got refund
>no trump cash
where is my money donald?
Some of the greatest men in history have been NEETs.