What are some asmr kinos?
What are some asmr kinos?
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>cosplaying women bad
>role playing as woman in vidya okay
Daddy I'm Sambo
imagine telling your son (male) that his skirt is not short enough.
just fucking imagine.
I am unable to
why can't they stop abusing children
>ordering your son to wear skimpier clothing is empowering in 2020
Where exactly did it go wrong?
Lunarbaboon is a massive fuck up
>ASMR kino
wtf why can't he let the kid pretend wonder woman has a cape? fucking bigot
Jesus said that people who cause children to sin have a very special place in Hell waiting for them, and it would be better for them to have a millstone tied around their necks and dropped into the depths of the sea than to face what's waiting for them. Whenever I hear about people pushing this creepy shit on children I don't even get angry. I just want God to take my life so I don't have to bear witness to this awful society filled to the brim with these horrible monsters anymore.
that's so problematic.
why is this person using this term to address a gender non conforming child?
Why won't people cosplay as Jesus? He's so based. Long hair, walks on water, reincarnates throughout history, multiplies food. Much better than superheroes and his powers are actually useful.
we live in a nightmare world
>tfw he's actually a dad
Doing more for the white race than all of Yas Forums
Itt: autists who don't understand the joke. The whole comic hinges on the fact that you expect the father to tell his son not to dress like a female and that doesn't happen, causing keks. You are so fucking far down the rabbit hole of your paranoia that you think people read this kind of comic as a moral tale. You are fucking retarded.
Prove it. As in, prove that's his son.
Is Jesus we’re around today he’d be a liberal
you could be a hero instead
>has onions beard
some people shouldn't bred let alone near children
if you were going for that angle surely it would be 1942 though
>Doing more for the white race than all of Yas Forums
Factually false. If he breeds traitors that support race mixing, illegal immigration, socialism and other kikeries, such "white people" actually do more harm to the white race than those that don't have kids. No kids are 0 impact while the kids of these are negative impact. Kike.
>onions beard
>Just languish in obscurity goy
>wahhh we're all incels this is genocide
wh*tes are pathetic, I look forward to their end.
> breeds traitors that support race mixing, illegal immigration, socialism and other kikeries
This means less whites, which is good for whites and everyone else. Problem?
> Itt: autists who don't understand the joke. The whole comic hinges on the fact that you expect the father to tell his son not to dress like a female and that doesn't happen, causing keks. You are so fucking far down the rabbit hole of your paranoia that you think people read this kind of comic as a moral tale. You are fucking retarded.
a t m o s p h e r e is the new kino on the block
Oy vey, stop trying to spin the creation of race traitors into something always positive.
>less whites
>good for whites
Kike please step in this here pizza maker.
based pro child sexualization comic
tam nakano's waifu simultator: