Cast it
Cast it
whats the context? people are demanding shops open?
also, this could be a fine addition to kino photo threads
Burger Kino:
drumpfters yelling at the ohio capital building
Americans are mad they can't buy lawn fertilizer when it's snowing out and that they can't get their hair done.
In this thread you will only find bootlickers happily defending the suspension of their rights.
>the pro-president protesters wear the mask the represent anarchy
No you’re not allowed to protest when the government shuts down your business unilaterally, closes the courts so you can’t challenge it, and bans public gatherings so you can’t protest it!!! My favorite celebrities told me to stay home!!
Are these boomers fucking retarded? I hope they all caught it.
Holy fuck how do we stop the drumpftards
they always talking about "MUH CIBIL WORR" MUH BOOGALOO
Cough and die.
>Thank God I have my Second Ammendment rights to protect myself from the Governme-
>protesting a well handled pandemic response because you lose some money from not doing business for two months
capitalistic indoctrination runs deep in the flyover states
Are these trumpanzees trying their hardest to catch the Rona? Top KEK
The irony about all of this is Trump is all for the lockdowns.
imagine being so fucking stupid you become betsy davos' puppet
haha like 50% of all cases are in NYC, a well known Republican stronghold
based. i want people to start marching in the streets but for actual good causes instead of stupid shit like women's march. this is probably the most based thing burgers have done
the virus isn't as bad as it seems, retard. the deaths are inflated
i sincerely hope you die
>Densely populated city has high case numbers
it's almost as if...when people are close together the virus spreads easily...whoa...
These faggot larpers at 1:56, holy shit, how can they be so cringe all the time.
10021 was the top fundraising zip code for both Kerry and Bush
Hopefully he takes out his boomer trump voting parents too.
that's not very progressive of you. so you don't actually care then?
You can bet your house some of those guys post here.
not about morons, no. Part of progressing is leaving behind the mentally retarded
i'm not american but ok. keep thinking that only boomers and rednecks think this is bullshit
these were the same people buying stacks of toilet paper last month. lemmings
pretty sure you can just buy some
Do Americans...?
so all the lgbt groups then? gotcha
I hope they shoot you. Pig on pig violence is always welcome.
>The area where the outbreak began and spread is considered an anti-vaccination hotspot. In Clark County, the measles vaccination rate was 78% at the time of the outbreak, too low for effective herd immunity.The outbreak, which has struck mostly voluntarily non-immunized children, may have started at a Vancouver, Washington church attended by largely immigrant parents "who don't trust government – or vaccination programs" after residing in the former Soviet Union.
Literally Americans.
You should have added the cringe fiesta from the end of the original video. Lmao
why is it all the white folk?
>"who don't trust government – or vaccination programs" after residing in the former Soviet Union.
1,900 deaths? Lol get your shit together Michigan.
It's going to be higher in the upcoming days lol
>still saying lock her up past 2018
Based non sheep
Bootlicker Americans LITERALLY cannot think of an existence where they aren't working and serving their billionaire overlords. "Work" is all that gives them meaning in life and they fucking LIVE TO WORK. They all think it's amazing to work 40 hours a week with no benefits, no health care, 7 days of vacation a year, and no sick days.
>stay in your home goyim.. everything will bbe ok trust us!
>using "pig" unironically
Jesus, dude. Collect yourself.
>haha like 50% of all cases are in NYC, a well known Republican stronghold
and the most contageous disease we've seen in decades is going to stop right there right? This thing is going to infect 100% of the USA. It's just starting in rural areas and the South.
seems these are people who cannot accept we are in a global crisis
Amerimongrel slaves are begging to be allowed to make money for their Jewish masters
It's literally the opposite. Deaths are being under-reported.