This is the Yas Forums basedjak general thread. Post basedjaks here.
/soygen/ - soyjak general
>This is the Yas Forums basedjak general thread. Post basedjaks here.
why do jannies always delete the most based threads?
>why do jannies always delete the most based threads?
>>why do jannies always delete the most based threads?
I deadlift 350 pounds and OP is a colossal faggot
>I deadlift 350 pounds and OP is a colossal faggot
I've fucked both Belle Delphine and Neekolul unironically and OP has never seen a vagina in his lifetime
My favorite
Have you? Based if true.
I suck dicks by the dozen
Also nigger
This is the only one I don't like. The others are pretty funny, but this one just doesn't do it for me.
>I deadlift 350 pounds and OP is a colossal faggot
>This is the only one I don't like. The others are pretty funny, but this one just doesn't do it for me.
This is the most repulsive one for some reason
Trump is based MAGA
>This is the only one I don't like. The others are pretty funny, but this one just doesn't do it for me.
Imagine bragging about such a pathetic weight that any adult male should be able to do.
>My favorite
hes good, he has potential to be the grand primary basedjack meme
that's nothing to brag about
>Imagine bragging about such a pathetic weight that any adult male should be able to do.
>Anonymous 04/16/20(Thu)03:42:28 >No.132294281▶
>This is the most repulsive one for some reason
Because they feel directly attacked
Someone explain this to me