Star Wars vs GOT

Which one had the worse ending?

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GOT. Rise of Skywalker was fairly cookie cutter and inoffensive. GOT was a fucking trainwreck that ruined the entire series.

got, because star wars got a proper ending 37 years ago

>GOT was a fucking trainwreck that ruined the entire series.
The exact same could be said of ROS

I vote for Star Wars. Anyways, it's difficult to pull a good ending when there are 2 shit movies before you get to write the 3rd. But too many plot holes.

>worse ending?


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>The exact same could be said of ROS
no it couldn't. see

>GOT ending was shit and horribly underwhelming and made little sense.

>TROS was lore and canon breaking shit, killed any noteworthy characters, left no room for exploration in the series, and made no sense.

I think TROS is worse.

Except ROS makes that ending void. You can't just pretend a movie isn't canon in a thread specifically asking about the movie as an ending to a series

Hard choice but as a lifelong SW fan, gonna have to say RoS, it was comically bad and my Boomer father has said he is never going out to the theater ever again because he got scammed so hard buying tickets for it. So far he's been true to his word and refuses to see any new Hollywood films.

ROS being bad was because of the writing choices made from TFA and TLJ, the writers didn't have much material to work with there, while GOT just torpedoed into oblivion for no reason. Seasons 5-7 were seen by normies and critics as excellent, while many people hated TFA and TLJ from the beginning.

I mean Return of the Jedi was probably the worst movie, but we also got the Holiday Special, so there's that.

How was ROTJ worse than the prequels or sequels?

>ROS being bad was because of the writing choices made from TFA and TLJ
TFA and TLJ didn't bring palpatine back, they didn't make Rey a weird conduit of all Jedi, they didn't make Rey a plapatine, and they definitely didn't introduce force healing or force teleportation.

The prequels were good. And the what? The original trilogy ARE the sequels. I realize that's hard to wrap your head around if you're new to Star Wars.

>brainlet can't ignore movies and the urge to consume

you mean the books?

The writing choices that you mentioned happened because there was nowhere else to go with the story but bring in absurd fanservice because TLJ and TFA killed all the important OT characters. That's why they went all in on fanservice in ROS.

The sequel movies, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and the Rise of Skywalker. How is ROTJ worse than those?

They could have used established ST characters instead. Just make HUx the new big bad of the First Order, or go all in on Kylo being evil. You don't have to resurrect a character that has been dead for 30 years to tell an interesting story.

return of the jedi functions as an ending just fine. there's no equivalent season to end on for game of thrones

Oh I thought we were only talking about actual Star Wars movies. Dude, nobody can keep track of how many bootleg Star Wars or Star Trek projects there are.

I agree, but Palpatine was easier to market and think of ideas for.

GoT. It has a "coherent" ending, where while the cause and effect are retarded, there still is an attempt at a cause and effect....
RoS just is a series of set pieces with no rhyme or reason between what happens before or after. It can barely be called a movie.

Plus GoT started out decent enough. TFA is an abortion that wasn't aborted.

Star wars was bad throughout the reboot. Game of Thrones will go down in history as one of the most important moments in television history for how ridiculously, unimaginably awful it was. It took literally the most promising television series ever created with a beautifully crafted world and a rabid fanbase and in the last 3 seasons turned it into a flaming wreck.

Your could at least make the argument that Star wars was destined to end poorly - what D&D did on the other hand was obvious sabotage of their own life's work, intentionally, to insult both the audience and the man who gave them the source material. It was a jewing the likes of which had not been seen in years. A historical moment of sheer jewry.

star wars. game of thrones was shit from the start and anyone with half a braincell knew it. star wars went from being one of the most beloved cultural icons of the modern age to absolute trash. only normies and plebs ever liked game of thrones. game of thrones was basically walking dead tier shit, all hype, a semi okay start, then coasted on its popularity as it got shittier and shittier while it took normies years to realize it was shit.

So is it just me or is no one in Hollywood or tv capable of writing a genuinely good or even great ending to a longrunning saga? I think Endgame, for as much shit as it gets, was probably one of the better ones.

star wars, i liked the ending of GoT

>I liked the ending of game of thrones

TROS doesn't harm the entire saga as much because you can choose to stop at the OT, or even the PT if you're a mouthbreathing retard, and nothing is affected. The story ends. The whole ST is garbage so who cares if TROS is also garbage.

GOT at least has 4 strong seasons, but you can't just stop watching after Tyrion kills Tywin and feel like it's all wrapped up nicely. You're stuck with the ending you got whether you like it or not.

Game Thrones can have a reboot later so Star Wars

cry me a river nigger. If you wanted a happy ending you werent paying attention, kys

Rise of Skywalker was a fun flick and I look forward to seeing it again.

It's hard to write good endings because events in real life don't just end with everything wrapped in a neat little bow, which is what fans want in their media. So you either have milquetoast endings like Breaking Bad, or open-ended endings like the Sopranos. Guess which style of ending is liked more.

Star Wars. Game of Thrones was only the work of two idiots. Disney Star Wars was written by a committee of idiots

GOT because it literally ruined the franchise and GRRM will regret not to have finish the books before the show ending.
Didn't HBO cancel the spin off show?

D&D went JUST mode real hard, i almost feel pitty for them.

Endgame's epilogue was fine but the 'ending' like the final battle was one of the worst I've seen in blockbusters. ROS had an infinitely better final battle.

Game of thrones had an amazing beginning, decent middle and shit end

The Disney trilogy was terrible from start to finish

I've notice that normies are still talk about how shitty SW:ROS was.
While they have completely forgotten and abandoned GOT. They don't even talk about it.

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You fucking goober we GOT a happy ending to thrones. Sam the fat retard writing in his little story book while Tyrion quips, the black haired faggot goes back to cuck eternally at the wall, and all the cunt characters are dead.


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Star Wars. GOT ended fine really. People had predicted that ending for a long time, but it meant one female sjw character going crazy, which pissed off a lot of normalfags.

Really? I've had thousands of GOT video essays recommended to me, while ROS seems to be not as prominent. May just be my circle though.

It's amazing isn't it? Game of thrones had the potential to be one of the most highly acclaimed television shows of all time and in 3 seasons he creators of the show completely destroyed it. I do mean completely. Every single character was in shambles by the end of the show, not a single one of them was well written. They were flanderized to the point where I question if the show was intentionally sabotaged

I mean it was controlled by jews. That is their nature, after all.

If you think people were pissed because Dany went nuts you are a mouth breathing retard or just weren't paying attention. Yes a squealing minority of dumb feminist cunts were pissed about that - the vast majority were pissed because they took a show which was superbly written and lovingly crafted and turned it into a poorly written and rushed abortion where literally nothing the characters did made sense given their backstory, nonsensical and stupid plot devices were used in almost every scene, and complex lore that had been built up for literally the entire show was trivialized (Arya's story arc culminating with assassinating the night king will remain one of the most horrifically written story arcs in the history of television. Soap opera tier.)

>superbly written and lovingly crafted

ring, ring

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My pet theory is that the Jew producers were pissed that Martin wouldn't give them his unfinished material and intentionally fucked it up.

onions that make video essays are not your average everyday normie

It's normie content though. That's their audience.

They're just jews. Wrecking things is what jews do. It's just in their nature to pollute, corrupt and ruin.

Nuwars completely destroyed a series that has lasted for over 43 years.

Um, excuse me sweaty, but The Phantom Menace already did that.

If she was crowned queen at the end. I guarantee you, people would've been dancing in the streets and all is forgiven. The show was shit before and was getting very good reviews and fan responses. It went completely south in terms of fan responses the very second it became clear to everyone she was gonna burn down the entire joint down and get killed by Jon Snow. Then they decided to tear the show apart because they didn't get what they wanted.

Has Kathleen Kennedy given any interviews where she had to answer for her disaster of a job on the new trilogy? Or does she only field questions where she can shoehorn answers in about how proud she is that she has a cunt?

The last good SW movie was ROTJ. Everything past that was garbage.

Phantom menace had soul though. Yeah it was bad but it had a spark of that soul the old movies had. Just a spark but it was there.

The new ones were MCU movies with a Star wars reskin

People have many expectations and you can’t have them all