The fire rises

The fire rises

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>tfw wearing hockey pads

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Fat retards in tacticool shit

>this is the last thing antifa fags see

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the fuck does that blue and green on the flag mean?

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>No one tells ME to stay inside! Get the Gadsden flag, Cletus! We're going to Lansing!

>tfw just searched "recall whitner"
Damn I just got baited didn't I? Was that their whole strategy just show up with guns and look ridiculous to get more attention to the issue?

Goddamn do I feel played

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>Wearing jeans on top of all that tacticool shit
Dear God why

>coronavirus is a HOAX
>gather big crowds
>infect each other
>kill their boomer parents and grandparents

Is this their plan?

Attached: americans_killing_doctors.png (800x865, 470.38K)

>gadsden flag
yeah, that's a cringe from me

whole lot of unfuckable losers

is this what happens when you go years without the touch of a woman?

or it is just mental illness that sets in at a certain point due to the american diet

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>blue stripe
Blue Lives Matter
>green stripe
I dunno, Military Lives Matter?


>Top coronavirus expert
>Two months ago said it was a nothing burger
Some expert. Dude might as well be throwing darts on wall with medical responses.

why is it that "does this guy fuck?" seems to be the only thing you care about user?

How can you vote a man whose mental level equeals a 5 year old.

It's literally a hoax. They're burying empty caskets.

Let's dig them up and expose (((them))), MAGApedes!

Attached: US_coronavirus_mass_graves.webm (800x450, 3M)

Because he's effeminate.

why are they so fat

why are they so fat

why are they so retarded

Society is collapsing.

source for that claim?

why are they so american

>mass grave
>like 30 boxes


How much of that guy's body does McDonald's own?

Glad I moved to Florida

Border patrol

All these people LYING about the HOAX needs to be FIRED and JAILED.

Attached: americans_fired_for_truth.png (845x445, 56.25K)

Fuck americans

Fuck Trump

Fuck gunfags

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the death rate isn't high enough for this to work unfortunately

The death toll of this virus isn't enough to overwhelm morgues lmao what.
we also would cremate their asses

>he doesn't liek sneksa

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Society is collapsing.

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Americans are fat pigs so they need XLL sized freezer boxes and none of those wagiecucks have enough cash to afford one. Also new york is a shithole so chances are hospitals are just throwing bodies in the garbage, to save a couple pennies from not having to run the AC in the morgue

is this meant to be a parody?
I'm willing to bet this was made in earnest.

>If you punch a Nazi, you punch me

ok incel

i think youre just at reatrds

Attached: naw_son_snek.png (1440x1440, 79.32K)

>is a fat fuck
oh no no no

That's Hart island. It's been used as a burial site for those with no next of kin since the 19th century.

This literally only happens in the USA

This is what all those fat burgers who got disintigrated by IEDS in the middle east died for lmao


Effeminate men tend to equate their value through the approval of women.

that kid should be euthanized and her parents sterilized


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One hand grenade

The virus needs to destroy us all immediately. In the spirit of Jefferson there should be all out wide scale urbanized warfare in the streets of Michigan. Complete destruction of the internationalist economic global supply chain, the vice industries, sexual industrial complex and the extreme hold over the psychology of man through the persuasive power of the electronic media. Modern science, modern medicine, the electronic media and industrialization are tools of shock trauma on the sensitivities of natural man. Contemporary literary and pop culture is a mind virus that spans all nations. Crushing the soul of individual intuitive man through the weight of a widespread historical and cultural analysis aimed at supreme objectivity. Global control of narratives that belong to the freedom of every human imagination. History and anthropology, nation making, are creative endeavors robbed of the average man by internationalist academic institutions that seek to morally and philosophically separate themselves from the folkish symbols and sentiments of host nations. All states and all nations are paid in blood and kept alive through force and trauma. Ours is a depleted vein, robbed from all different sources, seized by every opportunist. Looking for the nations wealth, the citizens labor, warping their emotional structure in efforts to enrich attention economies (advertisements, journalism, news media, internet pornography). Powerful institutional forces hold large sway over differing populations of the world keeping them focused on the sexual economy, battle between sexes, social Darwinism, racial politics. I write this not to be nihilistic or present a depressing outlook of current world affairs because I’m really an optimist. This is about the logic of moral reaction and questioning what a ‘return to normalcy’ would even entail. An artificial limit making us emotionally passive inside our own imaginations.

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Now this is burgerpunk

does anyone have the image of the /k/ thread where they ate the guy's cum cookies at a meetup?

its time to take a fucking stand against the racists and poltards on this fucking board

everywhere I look I see the n-word and people making fun of others who are not nearly as privileged as they are.

why is this shit allowed on an imageboard discussing television and film?



Attached: americans_must_consume.png (580x710, 287.38K)

b8 or dilate



>"How dare employees want their jobs back!!!"


they were brownies
dunno lol

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>its time to take a fucking stand against the racists and poltards on this fucking board
>everywhere I look I see the n-word and people making fun of others who are not nearly as privileged as they are.
>why is this shit allowed on an imageboard discussing television and film?

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if the virus is a hoax why are some of them wearing surgical masks?

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>Be american
>Have no next of kin
>Goverment throws you in an unmarked grave on an abandoned island because you cant pay them to have a proper burial

The user mask is the cherry on top
ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves for not noting that


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>Blood for the God, Capital

What's wrong with jeans?