Was Dennis Miller ever "funny"?

Was Dennis Miller ever "funny"?

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Any friend of Norm is also a friend of mine.

He usually got a wry smile out of me. I enjoy him but I don’t love his material though I sometimes this his references are deliberately esoteric. It is somewhat refreshing to have a comedian with a different political leaning.

Ask HBO, other comedians, and the millions of people that would watch his show.

My dad quotes his old bits all the time

>I sometimes this his references are deliberately esoteric
you don't say

That comment is funny because it’s told like a Dennis Miller joke. I even read it in Dennis Miller’s voice.

I disagree with him and sometimes he's pedantic as fuck. But he's intelligent and when he tries he can be funny as shit.



He’s certainly articulate, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call him intelligent.
His bits were a lot better when he wasn’t pandering to a particular audience, this coming from someone in the audience he’s currently pandering to

Bordello of Blood is kino

he was my favorite Monday night football commentator, but funny isn't really the right word


Ironic that his tweet is nonsensical try hard garbage that isn't funny.


I was a big fan of him back in the day. I think he's funny, but not laughing funny if that makes sense.

That was a weird experiment. They did it for a couple of years and it was awkward.


>a comedian who doesn't make you laugh and just wants to seem smart

Who is Garo Yepremian? Also who the fuck is Seth Cotlar?

netzero had a free version that put a banner at the top of your screen. later on they got stingy and reduced the free time to 10 hours a month.

Maher is barely even a professional comic anymore. He doesn’t even play clubs, only big national tours and hotel residencies for hivemind Real Time fans.

>Was Dennis Miller ever "funny"?
He briefly did Monday Night Football as a third man in the booth. Don't think the main audience for football could understand much of what he was talking about.

>Garabed Sarkis "Garo" Yepremian was a Cypriot-American professional American football placekicker in the National Football League for the Detroit Lions, Miami Dolphins, New Orleans Saints, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, during a career that spanned from 1966 to 1981.
He's making fun of Dennis Miller's retarded "reference" humor that relies on 70 year old boomers knowing who he is talking about.

Imagine if there was a comedian in 30 years talking about Cardi B and Kim Kardashian. That is what Dennis Miller is.

>Bordello of Blood
that is the second craziest fucking thing i have ever seen


>Imagine if there was a comedian in 30 years talking about Cardi B and Kim Kardashian

Except he talks about more than pop culture. The funny thing about Miller is you have to be the the slightest bit educated to get his jokes. You might not get it.


It’s Miller time.

It's not pop culture because a lot of it is references to things from 40, going on 50 years ago that wasn't even THAT popular back then.

Does Seth even know what decade he's in?

Right, babe?

You don't understand what pop culture means, do you?

Do you think obscure songs and references from 1972 are pop culture?

Some people are so fucking stupid they are convinced they are smart.

Denis Miller 2020 is pretty funny

protip: the "pop" in "pop culture" means popular. if it wasn't even popular then, then it wasn't and isn't pop culture now.

its SUPPOSED to be esoteric. thats what makes it FUNNY

>I hate Dennis Miller but I just my ads to sound exactly like him.
Who is this Seth guy anyway,and why do you follow him?

what was the first most craziest?

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Ok,now who is Seth?

protip: the jokes you don't laugh at because you don't get? Those are because they aren't about pop culture.