What kinos portray the life of a balding man in his 20s?

What kinos portray the life of a balding man in his 20s?

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Perfect Hair Forever

he would look handsome if he just shaved it, he has a chad jawline and good brow.

Honestly how does it feel to be a hairlet?

feels alright. being skinnyfat is what i dislike but i'm working on it

I thought this was a girl from the tumbnail.

ramadan is coming up, at least i wont be able to snack in the daytime then :/

What do you call this hairstyle?

yeah make sure you don't or you'll never get your 72 virgins

Literally cannot tell this person's age or sex

this faggot can't tell he's 4 feet 90 lbs thinks women just want a jaw


my biopic

so what are you? fat 5'8 with a glob instead?

triggered little sally LMFAO

your brain is permanently broken, no pills or doctor can ever fix it, same with your height manlet faggot HAHA

JUST in the front, party in the back and sides


his brow is the main thing that makes him look like a woman

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Why do the eyes look so feminine?

When you bald you start turning into a sissy afterwhich your hair comes back but you're a woman now.

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if he just shaved his head he'd look great, his face has a boyish charm to it that is contrasted by a ruggedness from his jaw/stubble/thousand yard stare

why did the nose change

trans plastic surgery

The Faded Glory

I thought it was a girl for a moment

that's not a chad jaw, in fact more women have jaws like that than man, just look at any actress.

is this the same dude?

Thats some pretty damn good work if it is

Fuck bros, I can't stand it. That's me in the next 5 years.

The JUSTshoe

He's got effeminate lips and eyes, his only hope would be to rock the boyish look with a cute haircut. He's lost