Possession - Zulawski, 1981

what did the pink socks represent?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 108.86K)

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Zulawski is a jew and therefore a perv

please shitpost elsewhere

nothing he said was incorrect or otherwise uncalled for

>it's true
Wtf I thought he was of pure Polish stock. I always liked Kieslowski better anyway

wet wet

most poles are at least half jews. its why hitler hated them

20 minutes in. When does this stop being so mediocre?

would you fuck a prime Isabel Adjani while slime and blood gush out of her pussy?

Isabelle Adjani is cute

Attached: Possession.mkv_snapshot_01.57.26_[2019.10.11_11.39.56].jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Anal prolapse.

If you're not at least enjoying the stellar camera work and suspense, then you might as well give up now. It only becomes more abstract.
Her face is oddly unblemished - like a doll's.

Yes, I'm not gay


Attached: WETWET.webm (1200x720, 2.92M)

>optimism: gone

Based wetwet poster
Do you have a webm of Mark in the rocking chair?

fucking hack

who tackled faith better, bros? Bergman or Zulawski?

Just keep watching because the girl is the cutest idiot

Nope, I only have the WETWET.webm. Haven't seen this webm posted for a long time.

In my opinion, the pink socks allude to the husband's repressed homosexuality. You also see this by the way he deals with Heinrich and how he becomes Heinrich's mother's confidant toward the end.

Bergman tackled his faith with incest, Zulawski tackled his faith with tentacle porn
You decide who was more based

His fights with Heinrich are unabashedly sexual

Huh, interesting thought re: the homosexual angle. That makes a lot of sense, especially within the larger framework of the movie being about repressed/oppressed identity and the disintegration of a family.

Anna's blue dresses and eyes and house fixtures obviously represented depression, but what did her doppelganger's green eyes represent? Usually green is tied to envy and wealth, the former of which may apply in this case. But could the green also have symbolized Mark's desire for an idealized version of Anna rather than the version he got?

tldr: green = desire?

Blue = sanctity, virginal
Green = nature, bestial

stop talking about this movie you idiots

Where to watch this movie? Cant find anywhere to buy a digital copy.

With all due respect, I'm not sure I entirely agree considering Anna was a loose cannon from basically the jump. She also self-mutilated, tortured that ballerina, killed folks, and had her "miscarriage of faith" while wearing a blue dress.

Furthermore, Helen (the doppelganger) was simply an idealized version of Anna - nothing bestial about her. She put the kid to bed, did the dishes like a good housewife without being asked, slept with Mark immediately (paralleling Anna talking about how she slept with Heinrich the first night she met him), and was overall gentle in her every approach.

But, really, the two interpretations aren't mutually exclusive. Thank you for providing your take.

Do you have the means to use a direct downloader? They are much safer than torrenting as the downloads are encrypted and uploaded from servers in places like Romania which don't give a shit about piracy.

If so, here is a link: hdencode.com/possession-1981-1080p-bluray-remux-avc-flac-1-0-epsilon-31-0-gb/

>nothing bestial about her.
What about her smiling with delight at the apocalypse at the end?

That's a good point. I took that as the film's message being that everything is simply fucked once you try to "fix" each other in a relationship, but there may be more to it.

I have jerked off to that scene a few times, so absolutely.