At what point did the Game of Thrones series peak? Be honest

At what point did the Game of Thrones series peak? Be honest.

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Jaime jumping into the bear pit


The best episode was the one entirely devoted to defending the white wall from wildlings.

Red Wedding.

The theme song in S1E1

Never was as good as season 1 honestly. Was good until 4.

Peaked in S3

S4 was still great, S5 and later was mediocre or worse

S1 when it was almost the same as the books and the immersion was perfect, also Ned and Bobby being legends. After that it is just a shitty fanfic that only gets shittier.

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Final episode of season 4

Yep it peaked at the kings entrance nothing really tops it. Goes downhill from there.

I found the rob jr and jon scenes weird. I find out later they are meant to be teenagers lol. They should have rewritten the script.

The last time I looked at this series and thought "yep, this is kino".
The bells in KL after Tywins death was a great ending for GoT

this. pilot is bad but it picked up fast

What went wrong after Season 4?


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Probably the Purple Wedding.

I mainly watched the show for this guy. It peaked when he freed Tyrion Tyrion was supposed to be a goddamned antagonist, he was meant to disown Jaime, and Jaime was meant to be much more of a knight-character

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Absolute lowest point of the show's writing

Nah that was almost exactly where the big problems started. Why did Tyrian kill Tywin? In the book it is because Jamie admits Tyrian's first love wasn't a whore, Tywin just wanted her gone.

In the show because Tywin called an actual whore (who Tyrian just killed) a whore. Made no sense and meant Tyrian was kinda done arcwise so became super dull (and dumb but that was D&D)

Peak was season 2-3, not going to bother thinking about a specific episode.
Dani pulled the show down by exponentially each new season, so unless you can cut her out of the story there's no way anything season 4 on can be considered peek

they just HAD to stick it to Orson

Learn english, wetback nigger

Season 4 with Tyrions trial. Not the trial by combat but the actual trial.
Massive power gap between 2 and 5, even though my favorite battle episode was Hardhome.

What were Jaime and Tyrian's arcs?

Tell that to D&D, my post made more sense than half their productions, and I'm half a handle into my isolation and chill routine for today.


Cutest psycho

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Tywin's death killed the show

The correct answer. GoT died with Tywin.

Season 4 or 5 for me.. just stopped watching after that one king killed his daughter

>Dani pulled the show down by exponentially each new season
That's funny because she does the same in the books. Every Dany chapter is a fucking SLOG and each new one is worse than the last.
These are close contenders for the peak though
Season 8 kino The only good parts

>doesn't have the s3 dracarys scene
>Season 8 kino
>not a single Mad Dany scene

>*serves as high water mark of your show

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Pretty much this. Season 5 was when Dorne got more attention with the sand snakes, right? That is easily a major red flag moment in the series. I'd compare seasons 5+ of GOT to season 7+ of TWD. There's some solid individual episodes, characters, and subplots to be found, but the consistency and general quality of the overall product is qualitatively worse than the earlier seasons.


Did she have the bad pussy?