What in the fuck did I just watch? What an absolute abomination of a film

What in the fuck did I just watch? What an absolute abomination of a film

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t. faggot with no jaw

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u shuddup is kino coz muh childhood
i am the based

paul isn't supposed to be a chad, you homo

Lynched and Filtered

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And you weren't supposed to exist

I exist through the sheer force of basedness, stop being so unbased

The movie was utter trash and the only thing it had in common with Frank Herberts masterpieces was the fucking title.

I love every single Lynch project, but still haven't got the nerve to watch this shit, is it really worth a try?

You only exist because of the sheer force of stupidness that your father had for not using a condom

thought it was kino but as soon as they got to arrakis it turned to complete shit and kept getting worse by the minute. the last act was a huge clusterfuck. only watch if you have 2 hours to waste

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Don't insult my based dad, you cringe unbased coping dilating discord seething tranny

It's for certified dumdums so you'll love it

It's a great movie, but it's not a great Lynch movie, it's not really a Lynch movie at all, any more than Alien 3 (another great movie) is a Fincher movie

ah mate
what a low test and Lymched thread
for shame


First half is alright. It has some great visuals. Last half becomes incomprehensable because way too much is cut.


Did you even watch the extended directors cut?

>What in the fuck did I just watch?



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Poster is good, movie is also good but what a terrible, terrible wall of text is that? Was this normal back then? Synopsis on a fucking poster?

Normally I agree when someone says pleb filter for things like this, but I absolutely cannot fathom how anyone liked this piece of fucking shit

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Actually, it's a film beyond your experience, beyond your imagination. The movie called Dune.

I just read this book recently and heard it was getting a film. Holy shit is this gonna flop. Lemme just list a couple of things
>totally weird and lolsorandumb justification for certain things
>Space Muslims are good guys, really! (totally will get those right wingers onside, guys!)
>Knife Fights are just autistic and less cool lightsaber fights
>The Emperor is just a Palpatine rip-off
>shitty message about MAD and dudeweedlmao
Hard pass. The film worked as a broken piece of film but another one by a hack? Nope.

>palpatine rip off
>dune is older than star wars by over a decade
what did he mean by this

ya know, i've looked at that probably most of my life, and i've never actually read it
and your right, that much text is mental

>totally weird and lolsorandumb justification for certain things
Explain, and be specific.

Nobody cares about your little lists, you piece of shit retard.


It's hilarious how there are people who actually defend this movie on this board. A movie Lynch won't even put his name on.

>Spice being the sole reason why Navigators can travel
>The reason Spice and Navigators are needed is because humans went mental and destroyed all machines
>Navigators are horrible mutated and weird for no fucking reason (no, magical mcguffins doesn't explain it)
>Paul becomes omniscient because he drank worm juice

Machines becoming sentient becoming a threat to humanity is not a new or odd concept. Drugs have side effects. I'm amazed you are such a brainlet.

Navigators are horrible mutated and weird BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING SPICE did that to them over millenia

When you put it that way, the new movie has literally no fucking chance of doing anything at all.

>for no fucking reason

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Not sure how good it was but the make up for the Baron made me sick.