Cum Town > Million Dollar Paedophiles

Cum Town > Million Dollar Paedophiles

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podcasts are for fags

Sneed Town > 9.6 Million Dollar Chuckphiles

Imagine unironically listening to unfunny leftist podcasts.

Not really comparable. Nick is a better comedian than the MDE boys but they have a lot more talents in editing and creating things other than just writing jokes. Also Stav and Adam are pretty much worthless.

how is cumtown leftist

Aren't they friends with the chapo wastes?
lmao why don't they just kill themselves?

Theyre all faggots


Yea no thanks

stop shilling this commiefaggotshit

Mmmm, methinks you just corncobbed those MDE CHUDs. Another win for socialism, binch.

Now for real chief, allow me to share a few ~SPICY TAKES~ about this capitalist hellworld we live in. Republicans have brain worms. Libs are spineless ratfuckers. Donald Trump=pissbaby,

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they're all unironically berniebros and are big buddies with chapo

Do leftards really speak like this?

Matt & Shane > Cumtown

Nick Mullen is great, the rest suck
kino coming through

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LMAO how are these manchildren even real?

What does chud even mean.
These people are embarrassing.

Are they actually communists or are they just pretending to be?

If this is what leftists are these days I'm fine with it. Big step in the right direction.

Stav is funny too when he isn't cackling too hard and Adam is great just to make fun of.

Dude penises lol farts ahah

yeah, in their personal lives. how is the podcast leftist?

also they are all supporting trump now that bernie is out.

because conservatives aren't that faggy

Leftism is never a step in the right direction.

> in their personal lives
You're saying they don't interject their left wing politics into their podcast?
They're all friends with chapotards lol

>they support trump
See, I told you they were leftist.

>if you're not a leftist, you're a conservative

Why do you care who they are friends with? You sound like a gossipy TMZ fan.

Leftists making racist and rape jokes and coming out in support of trump is literally a step in the "right" direction though you mong.

I heard so much about cumtown over the past couple of years that I finally decide to click on a jewtube link on related when I was listening to some old Patrice on O&A clips.

Dear God. It was so bad. O&A isn't as funny as I remember a lot of the time (and some of it is way funnier than I remember it) but this cumtown shit was absolute trash. It was forced laugh after forced laugh from a bunch of unfunny midwits riffing off each other's awful humor. They were talking about /r/smalldick problems - an ample subject for humor - and somehow massively fucked it up. I had to turn the shit off after about 5 minutes.

Sam Hyde is a rich sellout cunt now who is too full of himself to be funny and wastes his ridiculous wad of money on stupid projects that will go nowhere. But at least Sam was original once. He had some funny shit and was creative.

These fucking faggots are cancer.

By the way this is OT garbage

MDE was 100% correct on their economic politics. Sam was a Ron Paul supporter.
These guys are just clueless bernouts that think the government will save them.

They can be wrong about politics and still be funny.

Because it refutes the main point we were debating, you absolute retard.

Imagine unironically being friends with brain damaged chapo commies. I mean, at that point is probably best to just kill yourself.

It's from some old science fi film and stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers. They use it because it's literally the only four letter slur they're comfortable using without potentially offending some black genderfluid pansexual disabled trannie out there. Truly pathetic. If they actually believed half the shit they claim to they'd be repulsed by people like Mullen.

True but they're not funny at all. The forced laughter is so fucking bad dude. They sound bored all the time. They don't even find themselves funny.

I don't understand this take. The Chapo hosts are millionaires, the CT hosts make 10K a month. They don't need "saving." Their politics are purely influenced out of concern for other people.

*greek cackling intensifies*

sleepycast > all

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But they're not funny
At least o&a and mde had their moments, this shit is pure trash
Yes I've listened to them multiple times