About to watch Lawrence of Arabia

>about to watch Lawrence of Arabia
>look up runtime

Attached: pissedjose.webm (640x360, 704.3K)

Yes, of pure kino.

is this pasta now?

The way his eyes roll forward always gets me

Take an intermission halfway through

Flustered Fernando


It's not pasta, it's just justifiable consternation at the idea of this "masterpiece" being so fucking long.

>dude desert politics kino

Enraged Rodriguez

Attached: ELXycFOWoAgHZnF.jpg (748x748, 102.39K)

What's his name again?

>lawrence of arabia ugh too long
>end game is totally worth it though!!!
Fuck normies

the trick, William Potter, is not minding it's long

Perturbed Paco

imagine being the shitskin with the massive inferiority complex that made this edit
or being the shitskin who posts it

kino meme

Furente Joero

I was the guy asking about it the other day if anyone remembers the thread.

HOLY CRAP that movie is worth every second. Can't believe I let it sit on the back burner for so long.

I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark the next day just to scratch the WWI era action/adventure itch. Any games with that feel?

Titillated Taco

indy's desktop adventures

>jannies need to dilate again
What's his name bros?

I like the weird smile he affects.

Pissed off Jose

but aggravated Alejandro uses the four hour argument to argue that a piece of media (usually the singleplayer portion of a game) is short. Hence he must consider films with a runtime of four hours to be short. He's probably a slow cinema enthusiast as well

gayest e-celeb on the tubes

Gayero Jokaero?


Unfunny Spic

Angry Joe, asshole.

>Raiders of the Lost Ark
Uh... user?

What movies does he watch?

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dark side phil

i marathoned it

>Friends want to marathon the hobbit and LoTR trilogy

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ive done this several times
once was enough


Man of Steel.