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Turn yourself in to a pickle again! XD

Dont complain when I rape you then, im openly a rapist its nothing personal

this, they should mind their own business

Blow it out your ass

hypergamy is real.

im just born this way. its -ist to deny me my feelings or make me feel bad about it

Based. I didn't choose to be like this. I'm LGBTR

Incel fingers typed this post

Rick is one of my favorite characters. Smartest man in the universe but will still BTFO incels and the alt right if he has to

Isn't morty an incel?

Morty is a simp and a cuck, but not an incel and canonically a father.


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When you know nothing matters the universe is yours, and I've never met a universe that was into it.

>Nihilism is intelligence

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Translation: I’ll fuck Chad for free while the rest of you give up your life savings for so much as a polaroid of my feet.

>It is my right as a woman to be flirty with you to get what I want and give nothing in return.

Anybody replying to this shit excuse of a thread should acknowledge that they are actively supporting the habit of just ripping reddit """memes""", posting them on Yas Forums and garnering delicious (You)s for free. Fucking retards.

Tell me anons, I've never seen the fucking show. What's worse... actually watching it, or dealing with a fan in-person?

>openly sexual with Chad
>you have to subscribe to my Onlyfans and pay hundreds of dollars to be sexual with me

All women are whores but their prices vary on how much of a Chad you are.

>Nihilism is intelligence
Fucking this, what brought us to this point?
Oh yeah... the Enlightenment.

Dangerously cringe

>dude poopy butthole, nihilism, made me thunk

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Hello? based department?

S1 is good except for the finale
the rest is meh

If this post upsets you then you're a huge faggot, if you can't fuck slutty women then you're a fuckup

t.crusty palmed lardtard

No, it means they're a disgusting whore. If your partner is openly sexual the next step is them cheating on you. It's a mark of deviant behavior and should be avoided at all costs.

He fucked a robot. That's like fucking a fleshlight, it doesn't make you not an incel

Toxic Morty fucked a 10/10

kind of like someone who replies too often on forums should be avoided because they are always socially needy retards


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You're that person in school who hangs with the losers but somehow believes they're not a loser as well. Delusional is the word is use.

This reads like a post from the LOL SO RANDUM era of Yas Forums, except they thought rape was funny in an ironic manner, while today's incels seem to think of it as an earnest political statement

There are some good episodes of Rick and Morty. I cannot imagine that there would be any good cases of dealing with a Rick and Morty fan.

have sex

with little girls?

These two posts are the proper non-incel non-cuck way of looking at the world

with little boys :^)



So Rick is considered some kind of authoritative figure now?

t.wasn't there for the threads with the mortician user who posted pics of him fucking dead bodies
Yas Forums had serial killers posting bodies. Cp. Tons of gore. Don't act as if Yas Forums wasn't the board for the fucked up in the early days.

You're a young male, not a soccer mom; grow up lol

what does it mean to be openly sexual?

>t.wasn't there for the threads with the mortician user who posted pics of him fucking dead bodies
>Yas Forums had serial killers posting bodies. Cp. Tons of gore. Don't act as if Yas Forums wasn't the board for the fucked up in the early days.

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You have to Jak my reply next! quick!

i have never had sex in my life

sorry not all of us are jews like you

>sorry not all of us are jews like you

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>just because someone is openly sexual
I'm not sure what this is intended to mean, like just wearing sexy outfits or what? If you're talking about flirting then yeah flirting with someone invites flirting back, if we're talking about looking slutty people have a right to take in anything you're putting on display, ogling women is trashy, but so is dressing trashy, and like attracts like. Don't bitch.

sorry not all of are jaks like you

Extremely based trips