Just watched the first season. It’s great, why does everyone on here call it reddit trash?

Just watched the first season. It’s great, why does everyone on here call it reddit trash?

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because it got popular

because most people today, including those here, view literally every single thing through a lens of “okay this is great and all but how does it validate my political views?” and since rick is an atheist and values science over anything else (even though this is clearly a comedic exaggeration) they’re too triggered to even consider any other merits of it.
Also because it’s popular.

It's everything after Season 2 that's trash.

To be fair, you need a high IQ to be atheist

Wasn’t there an entire episode centered around a cuckold white couple with a black bull. That’s where I got filtered.

It's not great and only people with double digit iqs watch it. Same vein as other "sciencey" shows. The idiot viewer watches it and is introduced to new ideas (like multiverse) and feels like they just read a book on the subject. They then discuss these groundbreaking new ideas with other idiots and have a big circlejerk on how smart they are.

Because if you're familiar with sci-fi, you won't really find any new stuff in there, all of the ideas explored in Rick and Morty have been explored much better in other shows. The only way to really appreciate it is to be mostly ignorant of sci-fi and sci-fi comedy, which most normalfags are, hence, it's quite Reddit. The first season is just okay and it goes downhill from there, by the time you get to season 3 it's just not worth watching anymore.

Have you watched all of it?

imo the snake planet episode is one of the best

There's a meme going around that people who don't like it are just not intelligent enough to appreciate it.
This meme is actually, unironically true.

That's what people who want to feign sophistication always say. This exact sentence. "It went to shit after Season 2."

Yas Forums doesn’t understand that a character can intentionally be written to be obnoxious

Watch the second season and then get back to us on that. First season was genuinely good though.

Season one was basically a grounded family drama with wacky sci-fi elements, the interaction between the characters was what gave the show its heart. Then starting in season two they ignore all that for le wacky reddit space man gags, it loses the traditional grounded feel that made the first season so good.

It WAS one of the greatest shows I'd ever seen, but for some reason the writing's taken a nose dive this season. I fully recommend the first three seasons though, criticisms that Rick gets too powerful in the third season are valid, but it's still great shit.

There's no ulterior motives in what I say, everything after season 2 was just bad outside of a handful of moments. I don't care about gaining clout on a message board like you seem to.

There's some funny moments in post season 2 stuff but overall I can't say that any of the episodes post season 2 were good.


who the fuck watches sci-fi cartoons for the science and philosophic ideas? I like it because it's just a bunch of Phillip K Dick style short stories but funny

Literally the only good thing about this series.

That's a lie. Futurama went to shit after season 4.

The way I see it is: if you're going to rehash an old idea, you have to do it better then the previous writer did. Rick and Morty never seems to do that, it just feels like it's going through the motions, they never play with the ideas, they just perform the ideas with all the enthusiasm of a busker who's been asked to play My Sweet Lord for the 1000th time.

the show was ok and had a few good moments, the problem as allways was the fanbase, who where mostly uber soi fags redditors annoying pieces of shit.
This was the thought train of most of the fans of the show:
>"this show is about scy-fy so is about science and by default for inteligent people, i can understand the retard plot of the show ergo im a very intelligent human and also a scientist".
I dont understand why people cant just enjoy something and carry on with their lives...

that episode was dogshit get off Yas Forums

see, you're wanting this to be something that explores the sci-fi ideas when I think it's really more parodying them and assumes the viewers have a pre-existing familiarity with a lot of the media tropes inherent. And I think that's a better format, I don't think it would be as funny if it were trying too seriously to consider some real concept

>I think it's really more parodying them
That's the problem. I don't think the show does parody at all, they just play things straight and add in some irrelevant jokes. Like that episode about the talking gas cloud, the story was standard Sci-fi, heroes meet a weird alien, treat it as a friend, it turns out to be a villain. All the jokes in that episode were toilet jokes, they didn't flow naturally from the story, they were just inserted in there, you could take most of them out any put them in any episode. Rick and Morty is a generic sci-fi show with some jokes thrown in, it was an okay watch for the first few years but I was expecting it to be a sci-fi parody like "Futurama" or "Red Dwarf".

Too much burping and stuttering

Oh ho ho holy shit the projection!

>show for fake fans of science which Threatens the my wholesale adoption of casual academia as my special and unique personality

People aren't watching a cartoon for the science, loser. They watch it because it's fun.

Season 1 was fine, I remember having high hopes when I watched the pilot on Adult Swim way back. It's like halfway around season 2 or so where I just stopped caring, didn't seem to be nearly as funny as when it started. This was also around the same time it blew up in popularity horribly, all the stupid stoners and white bitches I knew started to eat it up.

and the episode that aired just before that (the slut dragon) is the worst episode of the whole series

Season 3 had a bit of inertia. Season 4 is absolute garbage.


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Well you need a high IQ to question religious dogma, I know some dumb atheists though.

That’s just the surface man, the whole show is an allegory of how insufferable those cunts are. Mainly people like you. Of course you wouldn’t like a show making fun of people like yourself. Understandable.

Hold on there user, that’s just crazy talk


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