Any movies where the woman is the rapist?
Any movies where the woman is the rapist?
James Gunn's Super
What is tay tay doing to that poor child?
40 Days and 40 Nights
I hate it when childless women take photos with other people's children and their fans think it belongs to her.
Taylor is a barren whore.
When did she get thic thighs?
Only males can rape and only whites can be racist you imbecile.
If it's rape in a mental sense, most of them. Except Tron Legacy.
fuck's your problem? that's someone's waifu you're talking like that about
Would you retards stop memeing shit like this, it makes actual liberals look awful
Take your meds schizo
when is she going to become a mom?
Literally the full range of Yas Forums responses.
another one hits the Wall.
She's gonna suffocate him with her thighs
If you could stop using the word waifu to describe real girls that would be great.
Sure thing bro
Not exactly the rapist but it's called The Guilty by Gustav Möller.
An improvement.
That lucky little shit got to snuggle with my gf.
Landwhales are with us incels on this, Taylor is a whore.
Taylor never shows her forehead, because she looks like a monster.
Let him. He will never find a partner.
Quality bait
Hey it's user here what's up comin at ya with ANOTHER totally random update listen up folks I haven't jacked off in a week and if I saw Taylor Swift irl, doesn't matter where, I would do everything in my power to rape her. Remember to like share and subscribe
fake and gay.
Based forehead fetish user gets what he wants
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
I, the Executioner (1968)
Wanna nut on that leg.
Based, never knew foreheads can be fetish.
Sybil (1976)