Finally watched BR2049

>lonely, hated by society for what he is (replicant)
>good at what he does, but has no real love for it
>works at a low paying job mostly to get by
>has good, traditional morals
>no sexual experience
>gets off on closeness and feelings more than sexual pleasure
>longs for true love, has the fantasy of the perfect wife, who loves him for what he is, something that probably doesn't even exist
>desperately wants a sense of purpose in a world that has none
>has to live through someone else's memories as he never got to make his own
>ultimately dies alone, probably forgotten, even if he did his best and sacrificed himself in order to do some good
Bros, I'm going to cry. He's literally me.

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great film, but stop being melodramatic

even K himself died with more self dignity

Holy shit he's literally me!

Ok except he didn't die in the movie. if you think laying in snow after a fuckfest of action and helping Deckard reunite with his daughter somehow mentally drained the lofe out of him, you're a nigger

He is also literally me

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I know this is bait, but he factually died there. Was already on the brink of death, got into another fight, shot and got his entire rib cage sliced up. And then Tears in Rain soundtrack plays.
He ded

He literally did die though. Luv shot the shit out of him during their fight.

He doesn't get a proper death scene because he's not even the hero of his own story which is why the focus shifts over to Deckard, the real human and real hero, who gets the emotionally satisfying climax to the story. BR2049 as a movie is basically the story of the disposable sidekick that pushes the protagonist along

>>has good, traditional morals
This isn't true. He literally kills a guy in the opening of the film.
>>no sexual experience
No reason to assume this. Considering he doesn't sperg out when he fucks the prostitute, it's safe to assume that it's not his first rodeo

>He doesn't get a proper death scene
Yes he literally does.
>because he's not even the hero of his own story
He literally is. It's like calling a hero who saves the princess not a hero.
>which is why the focus shifts over to Deckard
It doesn’t. Entire film is about K specifically. His death is like 6 minutes long, we get like 2 seconds of Deckard just to show the difference of the daughter playing with digital snow in contrast to real snow falling on K
>real human
You don't know if he's a human.

>He literally kills a guy in the opening of the film.
Nope, he kills a soulless bio engineered android that tried to attack him. Not a human.
>it's safe to assume that it's not his first rodeo
Again wrong, Joi called her not K and it was a literal deflowerment of both K and Joi, as if K didn't even see his own Joi without clothes ever.

>Yes he literally does.
No he doesn't
>He literally is. It's like calling a hero who saves the princess not a hero.
The princess doesn't even know what he did for her, she just has her dad show up at the end. At best she draws an inference or Deckard tells her about him after they finish their emotional reunion
>It doesn’t. Entire film is about K specifically. His death is like 6 minutes long, we get like 2 seconds of Deckard just to show the difference of the daughter playing with digital snow in contrast to real snow falling on K
The film follows K but structurally speaking is not really about him. He doesn't even get to meet the main villain, he instead contends with Wallace's lackey, Luv. Meeting the main villain is reserved for Deckard
>You don't know if he's a human.
He's human

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>Nope, he kills a soulless bio engineered android
You mean literally the exact same thing that he is? If a machine can have 'morals' as you put it, then killing it is stilling killing.
>Again wrong, Joi called her not K
That doesn't change the fact that he knew exactly what to do and didn't sperg out like a typical guy with no sexual experience.
The fact that you took it in a metaphorical way doesn't change how the scene unfolded. Stop projecting.

notice how you're not talking about the story but about your pathetic self-identification with the main character

>entire point of the film is that K actually tried to make his life mean something and do something with it
>fat sperg on Yas Forums: He's JUST LIKE ME!

>The film follows K but structurally speaking is not really about him
Yes it is, from start to end. Literally.
>He's human
Give one proof of that. His state is absolutely ambiguous

>didn't sperg out like a typical guy with no sexual experience.
I am sorry that you had such a terrible first time user, it's ok.

>Yes it is, from start to end. Literally.
Except for the parts not about him
>Give one proof of that. His state is absolutely ambiguous
Give any credible reason to doubt it. There's nothing to make it ambiguous aside from asserting that he's somehow been specifically made to be as weak and frail as the average human for no discernible benefit, especially given his perilous line of work.

>Nope, he kills a soulless bio engineered android that tried to attack him. Not a human.
You didnt understand the film. The entire point is replicants are equally human in thought and experience.

>Give any credible reason to doubt it
The entire first film

Or are they?

I just want cyberpunk kino that's all..

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Well, I had some experience before my first time so it wasn't a complete disaster. And I was like really drunk which helped a lot.
But there was still awkwardness. More importantly, I don't think I've heard a single guy talk about losing their virginity in a way that wasn't awkward. At best, they'll say they did it with a loving partner who guided them through everything slowly.
Notice this is still nothing like what happened with K.

>He's literally me
So the main character in that movie was a fat dork?

>Notice this is still nothing like what happened with K.
Well I doubt you or any of your friends are replicants and that the girls you lost your virginity with were digital AI holograms projected onto actual prostitutes, but ok.

No, I am literally that actor in the film, Ryan Gosling.

Not canon

>More importantly, I don't think I've heard a single guy talk about losing their virginity in a way that wasn't awkward.
I don't know, I just did it, and that was it.

I’ll never understand this meme. Movie is a 4/10 at best.

tits or gtfo

non-schizoid detected