Doctor Who General - /WHO/

Fuck Chinballs Edition.

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Old bread:


Stories about meeting an evil dictator in his infancy, and fighting the urge to strangle.

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Don't say that about the F A M, remember once you're in the F A M you can never leave it!

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what are those things?

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I coudln't quite like Smith' Tardis. I think it was too chaotic. I struggle to imagine the layout in my mind.


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Sum up the plot to the timeless children. I challenge you.

They're your future.

Kino TARDIS construction pic 1

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With how much reedit and normies circle jerks this show I'm surprised you guys even mention it here.

Moffat tweeted yesterday that this was the best tardis the show's ever had. I can't disagree. Especially how it's lit in Capaldo's era. The new one looks like the set of some cheap gameshow.

Kino TARDIS construction pic 2

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>ITT: We post TARDIS teams that have infinitely more chemistry and synergy than Chibnall's F A M does.

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The Doctor sits down and the Master reads her a page from The TARDIS Wikia.
Then they play a top 10 epic Doctor Who moments compilation, and the Doctor lets a man die in her place.
Truly kino, thank you chibnall

Kino TARDIS construction pic 3

this one kinda reminds me of the 'support structure' that the Gallifreyan citadel stands on

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Did Big Black Cock rally made the Docotr a Big Black Woman? and was she really th first doctor?

no we can do better, I don't want tuggo

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Kino TARDIS construction pic 4

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>1, Ian, Barbara, Vicki
>2, Jamie, Zoe
>4, Sarah
>7, Ace
>9, Rose
>10, Donna
>12, Clara

Kino TARDIS construction pic 5

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Imagine watching that shit as a casual viewer.

We reminisce about the times it wasn't shit, and those times didn't happen often.

>4 and Sarah but no 4 and Romana 2
explain yourself


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Reddit circle jerked the Tiger King. I still loved the shit out of that show.

Doctor Who? more like Doctor Who gives a shit lol

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It looks like something JNT rejected for being too camp.


It's just the Crystal Dome

Why hasn't Big Finish done an Ood vs Sensorites story yet? Seems like an obvious one.


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dude what if the cybermens fused with time lords thatd be fuckin sick

w h a t t h e F U C K i s t h i s

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It looks cheap. It's really small, innit? No chairs, no flair... It looks like some generic "Reactor room" in like a 2003 FPS

someone with ADHD

I never noticed that spherical protrusion on the ceiling. What is that? You can't even see it.

looks like a fucking factory explosion jesus christ

"crystal" was never gunna translate well from BBC budget to TV

they should've made one pillar, and then decided against the whole thing

[logged] Doctor Who(pbuh) is dead.
itt: the melancholic fantasy of seething middle aged incels, longing for a past that no longer exists.
you get what you fuckin deserve

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Imperialist Gallifreyans colonize magical black girl and steal her time power resources so they can oppress the universe.

It only appears in Series 12, and fucking bobs up and down too. It's most obvious at the end of Spyfall 2

that's not a very high bar, you might as well post 90% of the show's tardis teams

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She's got a boob on her ceiling

All of them.

Watched Hell Bent last night following the Heaven Sent watchalong.

Fucking hell, it makes the reveal in The Timeless Children feel even more ass-pulled and ridiculous.

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fucking hell

I think they could have done something good with the premise of a central crystalline structure, with some industrial metal shell around it. They just didn't. It looks like they okayed the first piece of concept art, and went to lunch.

huh? do you not understand that more then 50yrs worth of content is enough for anyones life time, countless serials, novels, audios, comics, tech mags, I mean it goes on forever, chinballs shit is completely irrelevant on every level, sorry you watched it, maybe you should've just stuck to actual Doctor Who instead

is there a more jarring shift in quality between two episodes of a two-parter than Hell Bent and Heaven Sent?
are there any where the second part is actually better than the first?

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At this point it feels like the BBC downgraded the creative talents of literally everyone involved in the show, at every level.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with their diversity and inclusion policy...


I mentioned Doctor Who to a cute girl at work today. She wasn't a fan, but another guy in her department was and he started talking about how good Jodie was and how The Timeless Child was amazing and the best thing about the new series. He also hated both of my favorite nuwho Doctors (9 and 12). I will never talk to him about Who again. Seems like a nice guy, though.

why wasn't this Clala's default outfit?

In all honesty, while that is true - the current state of the show made Hell Bent feel like high art.

The Witch's Familiar is better than TMA.

I beg your fucking pardon

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Looks like one of those pictures the google deepmind autogenerates, the ones that look like everything's made out of dogs

Made some OC in celebration to whatever the fuck was that last thread

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this too

what's that thing in the pink dress and denim jacket at the front?

it's not as jarring as people seem to think
it makes some questionable storytelling choices but it's still an alright episode, it's just that HS is so fucking good that the drop is steep

>One middle-eastern guy
>One brown woman
>Not a single one of the women is dressed for labor

>jodie in the front
cringe af

Brehs I watched Hell Bent after the Heaven Sent rewatch yesterday, and I gotta say, it's pretty kino.
I'll personally apologize to Neo if he's still here, I was wrong. I'm sorry, it's a great story

is this Chibnall's target audience?

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Someone cosplaying as the chick in Stranger Things. You know, because they're both Sci-fi!!!

>we hope you join us next time on The Crystal Maze

>it's just that HS is so fucking good that the drop is steep
isn't that jarring then?

World War Three
The Family of Blood
Forest of the Dead
Flesh and Stone
Day of the Moon

When I see/hear opinions like that (especially on Twitter) I'm just flummoxed. I truly cannot understand how anybody could believe that without it being for a political agenda.

100% he's got to be bigging Jodie up to get in some lunatic feminist's pants. And/or he has some skeletons in his closet.

The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances fits the second part.

That's Charley, you silly.


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I really would love if he would just leave and someone else takes over but i´ll settle for a cancellation. The ways things are right now there isn´t much of a difference. Besides this show is probably bleeding money. Is that a luxury Britain still has between Brexit and Covid?