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Who are you quoting?



>dude, what if Thor Ragnarok but with Nazis

>Hitler bad

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>There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a fat man with greasy hair and half a moustache.

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>film has sympathetic good nazis characters
>they are gay, of course
What did they mean by this?

dumb sound name
wouldn’t watch it even if it were based


No not my Hitlerino, he was good boy, he didn't do nuffin...

Based [x]
Redpilled [x]

movie would’ve been a lot better if it dialed back cringe like this. Wasn’t bad though.

>Jews innocent

more like jojo faggot

Film wasn't even about him, he was barely in it.


I clapped.

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Hitler was bad, user. You should find better hero's.

I know most of you in this thread defending Hitler and his goons are LARPing, but for those doing it unironically, Himmler would take one look and you and gas you like the subhumans you are.

Who would have thought the guy from What we do in the shadows would become such a cancer in Hollywood

Reminder that Thomasin is my waifu and no one else’s

I'm still going to see it and try to have an open mind, but I already saw in the trailer where the boy was surprised by the girl and said "they look just like us" and mentioned the propaganda about horns or hanging upside down or something. Jews definitely look different about 70%-80% of the time, because obviously genetics factor a big role in how you look, but is the horns stuff just made up after the fact? I never remember reading anything about that even in any of the smut they make you read in school. Kind of like in Indiana Jones where the girl announces her horror of the book burnings, but then you find out those books being burned were of sex change operation type stuff and other degenerate shit (doesn't make me dislike the movie I still love The Last Crusade).

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>you have qt jew gf hiding in your attic
>these guys shows up at your door
>Heil Hitler!
what do

Attached: Gestapo.jpg (1280x720, 90.71K)

it's a comedy, everything is exaggerated. kid gets hit by a grenade at some point. movie is really not bad, it's more about the relationship of the boy with his mother and the girl. nothing oscar worthy of course but it's an enjoyable, cute little movie.

t. polack who watched this expecting to hate it but enjoyed it

Thanks for the straight answer user. I'll check it out.

H-heil Hilter

Yes, and?


Hitler good just slightly misinformed.


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