*destroys your favorite movie*

*destroys your favorite movie*

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*fucks your dog*

is it possible to get a restraining order for dogs

*dog fucks him*

Sorry I don't take the opinions of dogfucking homos seriously

>gets filtered by Tarr, Weerasethakul and Lynch, has no arguments aside "It was pretentious because I said so" and fucks a dog

He fucks dogs? Someone fill me in.

>that time where this fucker unironically said that he couldnt suspend his disbelief that ghosts could feel emotions because they didnt have the necessary brain chemicals to do so
I know this was in a time where tipping your fedora was the in thing to do but Jesus Christ.

Hes spent a bizarre amount of time defending people who blow dogs and arguing the point online.

Not just a "whatever ppl jerk off to furry porn who cares?" Stance but one that hes gone on and on and on about for at least a year or 2 now raising questions.

Hes also regularly on EFAP which seems to feature a lot of similar degenerates

The idea that aparitions could feel emotions is absurd. It's like saying smoke or vapor can feel emotions.

*destroys your favourite dog’s asshole*

fuck off adam and stop fucking dogs

But based Mauler is on EFAP and he's no degenerate.

Yeah if you think of emotions and life from a materialistic perspective in which case apparitions wouldnt exist you dumb fuck.

This but with zombies have seemingly functional cardiovascular systems. Shit don't make sense.

He's the Basedbrigade captain

>hmm not enough explicit dog sex I'm giving this one a 2 out of 10

All stories need to have some sort of logic behind it, otherwise it's just pure deus ex machina, it's just bad story telling.

*utterly annihilates your favorite dog's asshole, with his erect penis*

Blow it out your arse

imagine ruining your whole career because you defend dog fucking

this is so surreal
it's like the funniest thing ever
how can he expect people to trust his opinions

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Why didn't you mention dogs?

Last I checked his career is still doing just fine

He can't destroy shit unless it's his ass with a dog toy.

So apparently internet entertainers aren't allowed to have their own opinions, if they don't share 100% the opinions of Yas Forums then they're mostly abhorrent. Good to know.

*destroys your dog's anus*

What's the age of consent for animals?

You're retarded.

>all the ad hominems ITT
Educate yourself, sweaties.

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No if they talk about the virtues of dogfucking trying to convince everyone its normal THEN theyre abhorrent

>can't refute the argument with reason and logic

>damage controll

you cant unfuck a dog!

>over an hour talking about dog fucking
Is he fucking autistic or something? Its the only way i could understand not being able to let something like this go like that fucking Kenny Jones guy with his vendetta against Lauren Southern

>you don't respect the homosexual alcoholic furry sexual deviant movie reviewers opinion on morality? ahh, the classic ad hominem fallacy

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Why cant Yas Forums refute a single one of Adams points?

Imagine having any opinion on this topic other an wtf.