Any kinos about happy relationships?

Any kinos about happy relationships?

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no :(


Very gay


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??? why would i not want the left

i have mantits

boyhood is wanting left, manhood is wanting right.


Is this what its like to be in a relationship?


She's not a happy person
She might be fun in the sack but not to be around

Left is bpd/bi-polar. Right is the one you want to have kids with.

I think im taking both

Usually I would just lag behind her. And hold her tightly and smell her hair and feel her warmth and stuff.

I want the left one to spit on me

You learn to desire more understated feminine qualities over raw, almost cartoonish sex appeal

for the first month maybe

Whats it like then?

You get any upskirt photos to post?


You mostly listen to her and calm her down when she cries about shit. It's not really a two way thing you're mostly just there for her. If you have your own issues you sink them deep and cope like a good man

No. But she'd tease me with upskirts at home
She knew I loved that shit

Fuck it's this, being in a relationship is like being a parent, you are in a one sided relationship with an emotionally immature person who needs to ping off of you constantly to ground herself.

big boobs fill a mans hand
small boobs fill a mans heart

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The Phantom Thread

It can be.

Chads fuck both

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I was less emotionally stable with the only girl I loved, and she broke up with me because I was "emotionally dumping on her"
I mean I guess in retrospect, I was kind of like what you described, still haven't really found a center. Going to church has helped, but I'm not there yet.

sounds beta af

Okay are you talking about your sister or mom?

This pic doesn’t communicate anything

Everyone has their boob preferences

Why do people post their Yas Forums threads on Yas Forums of all places?

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How does he operate his computer at an angle like that?
Has the roastie that made this ever even used a pc?

>doesnt see that hes surrounded by females

>Not using just one hand to shitpost on Yas Forums

No IPs, people can samefag entire threads

Yeah dude, you're not allowed to do that, it's a female thing and once the male does it the entire relationship dynamic is fucked and they no longer respect you. I dated a girl for four years, intended to marry her and everything. Cried because my grandfather died and it was like a switch flipped in her head.

>mah fee fees
Grown up. State of this fucking place

This, it's extremely draining. Women are energy vampires.

So far.

yeah, still felt good to be there for her you know?
ye it's kinda shit but It's what we have to deal with. going to church is nice. also if you ever feel the urge to tell your gf something emotional, sleep on it and think about it the next day. You'll see that most of the time you'll be like "dude I'm glad I didn't tell her that , that was dumb". Getting emotional is like getting horny, you think very differently, and can end up doing shit that kills the vibe for women looking for a relationship. If you feel like letting something out, do it through the internet, cry alone with your dog watching a movie, or get drunk with a close friend. never open up with your gf

If she's not there for you, you're better off without her

My girlfriend and I lived together

Dude, you're looking for equality in a female, it just isn't there. Every single society that has worked has understood this, and not expected more from women than they are capable of giving. What you need are fraternal groups and hobbies to let you interact with other men and reduce the need to rely on your woman in a manner that you really can't without damaging your relationship.