Were they the bullshit all along?

Were they the bullshit all along?

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>The episode about smoking

They're just libertarians
They critique the rules, and those critiques were valid
Like that episode on the Americans with disabilities act.
They showed a guy who just sued Companies that didn't have ramps, asking for a settlement of 4 grand to go away and not sure them for that, even when they actually did have a ramp and accessibility on the other side of the building and he didn't notice

Later in that episode they talk about how legally, if the store isn't accessible in an Iron Lung, it's not in compliance with the law and could be sued. And the only store accessible was some bong shop
The rules they critiqued were indeed bullshit.
They didn't propose alternatives beyond repealing the rules, so they were BS in that way, but on the whole were on the money.

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Also that episode on high end food and water was funny.

A decent show for an opposing point of view, but don't rely on them for complete, unbiased information. They're magicians, not academics.

They are like try and parker. Controlled opposition that push degeneracy.

Never do
911 is bullshit
Federal reserve is bullshit
Talmud is bullshit

Wait you're telling me they never did an episode on the fed?
I can't believe that

>a bunch of self-important atheists browbeat you with their "common sense"

what do you think?

They have a very libertarian bias that becomes grating at times when they're just arguing with straw-men rather than exploring the issue. Penn is the epitome of an insufferable man with a ponytail and even he wanted to do a final episode that exposed their own bullshit around things like second hand smoke.

My favourite episodes were the ones where they just wail on mentally ill people like when they buy dildos for alien abductees.

of course, a professional perspective defiler (magician) is just a child stuck in an adult's body, they want the effect of being convincing above all else even truth.

Not sure how being libertarian means denying alien abductions or 9/11 conspiracies but it's probably better for their careers that they tow the official line anyway.

I remember a kino episode on UFO crazies.
>maybe the real aliens were the friends we made along the way

I know a post won't convince you more than their show, but let's just say there wasn't an attempt made to find credible opposing points of view. It's edited like a Daily Show sketch because the point is comedy.

not a very good show. they never seem to get over the fact they can say big swear words and show tits if they want, which would have a lot more entertainment value in 2005 when that had novelty to the average american

It's good when they are just debunking pseudoscience, since aside from the usual low-hanging fruit flat earther crackpots, alot of the topics they covered weren't obviously bulshit the average person like magnet therapy and other quackery.

Way too often though they just drop any pretence of their definition of bulshit is ant more then simply "political views we disagree with"

A lot of parallels to the YouTube "sceptik" community actually.

It's been about 10 years since I saw an episode and don't really remember much other than the episode where they explained how lie detectors don't work, one where they outed Ghandi as a pedo and another where they proved that people find food tastier if they think it's expensive. That all sounds pretty reasonable.

What was their opinion on circumcision? I remember the did an episode about it but nothing about what they said in it.

>They're magicians, not academics.
yes. academia is God. scientists are bearers of the truth, they are never wrong. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE YAAAAASSS

Didn't they plan on making their series finale about how bullshit the entire premise of the show was? But Showtime cancelled them before that.

>What was their opinion on circumcision?
They were against it obviously

I don't think it's obvious that they would be, a lot of Americans will defend it just because it was done to them and as they're Americans I'd assume it was done to them too

Have it seen it but lodge it would this date that would be opposed to on a libertarian grounds. That said Penn would probably dismiss any opposition to it as "interventionism".

I'd trust academia over a seething non-white any day.

They're atheist Randian libertarians though, so they're already not as American as the average American

What the fuck, autocorrect really screwed me this time..

Anyway yeah what that guy said.

I loved the show when I was in my teens, I remember one time I tried to show it to one of my friends and I randomly selected an episode and skipped a little bit into the episode so he gets an idea of the show. Unfortunately it was the episode about colonic irrigation and the part I went to happened to be some guy getting the tube shoved up his hairy ass. My friend thought it was a faggot after that point, thanks Penn Jillette

Asides from BS tv know any good shows about skepticism?

Mythbusters, kind of?

Reasontvs channel
They had the current editor of it on their show multiple times


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They aren't even good at magic

fuck u jew

Yeah this is the closest approximation in humour, style, presentation. Nowhere near as watchable though, both because Adam by himself as a presenter isn't as good as P&T, plus the points he make are often retarded and completely misses the context

Now wonder his JRE episode is one of the most disliked ones.