The modern world has ruined film

Modern feminism has ruined my enjoyment of media.

And I don't mean in the fuck PC I hate women and minorities way.

I can't simply enjoy a strong female character anymore without thinking its anti male bullshit.

I can't simply enjoy a character without wandering if they chose a black person to play it for diversity quotas.

It wasn't this way a few decades ago. There could be strong women in film, or blacks.

And no doubt a fair proportion of it is PC bullshit today. But I think some people are still making the same media we could have enjoyed without analysing it in the old days.

But I can't switch off that voice in my head and just enjoy a film in this modern world.

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I just took a shit bros

I just took a big ol fiesty steaming footlong brown snake and flushed it into the public sewer system bros

I feel the same way. They've stained entertainment with their woke bs.

I just buried my shit in a spot where divers are known to die in bros

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>has picture from a movie set in saudi arabia that doesn't have a single arab actor playing a major char

You literally proved why the diversity agenda is needed, incel. Have sex

I just bled from my ass today for the fourth time and now it constantly leaks and stains my underwear with blood and shit bros

There are no strong female characters anymore, or male characters. Only caricatures of men and women. Their sex has nothing to do with it; they are interchangeable, faceless icons designed to get you primed for that mindset on a larger scale.

Get ready for a total void of meaning, with only commercial 'solutions'.

I just aate a whole box of epsom salt and now I'm about to uncover my asshole seal and let it rip bros

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I just made contact with dog for around 5 minutes and 34 seconds while taking a shit bros

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Cave diving is fucking retarded. So is cave climbing or whatever it's called. Atleast wingsuit retards and bungie jumpers and stuff seem to have fun before they die. Cave divers are just like "oh lets see if i can squeese myself through that crack over there!" And then they get stuck and fucking die. Most retarded way to go ever

because there are only a few movie studios, and they all seem to share similar agendas. all movies have to have real world agendas intruding on them, no movie can be made for the sake of themselves and their own inherent artistic integrity. they all have to have current year messaging layered over it, while attempting to appeal to every market and demographic, so they bounce between belligerent propaganda and banality.

I knew it's fucking terrifying to think about going that way.
Just starving and being dehydrated unable to move or see anything infront of you

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>artistic integrity
>current year messaging
>appealing to demographics

You copy pasted that straight from stormfront, didn't you?

Some rich dude just paid me 1 mil to take a big fat shit all over the US population and I called it affirmative action bros

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It probably also has something to do with no studio letting a director make a film anymore. Ever film is produced by a committee.

There is no creative force behind a film. Craft is rarely practised anymore.

I mistrust anybody or any sign that proclaims to know "facts". Still wouldn't enter an unknown cave without good reason though.

I just took a cyber shit in cyber space on a cyber toilet thus spreading my shit throughout the net until it accumulated and manifested itself into a site I call thedailystormer bros

Attached: 1446999693675.png (1272x556, 1.17M)

Is this is an anti-anti sjw bot? Weird.

I just flexed my anal muscles so hard that all shit and shit particles exited my asshole at a velocity of 24m/s bros

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>why the diversity agenda is needed
How does this film prove that? It’s a masterpiece. Are you saying it would have been better with Saudi no names used instead of Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness and Anthony Quinn?

I just shoved a condom full of meth into my anal cavity and now I can't shit bros

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having a low key subconscious anxiety about your entire race being literally genocided by a bunch of media and finance kikes will do that to ya buddy

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Even back when I was an obama supporting liberal, I remember watching Firefly and when that one chick , Storm? Whatever her name was, she is like 90 pounds soaking wet but randomly becomes a super powerful samurai who goes around doing backflips over 250 lbs armored space marines and I couldnt stop eye rolling at the absurdity.I couldnt stand any scene she was in. Every speaking scene she was in was pure cringe. There are actresses with talent but very few of them get important roles, the only actresses that get leading roles are actresses who the director has a hard on for. Which end up being pretty women with little acting skill.

Gradually I noticed all "strong" female protagonists are all painfully fictional and just writers trying to virtue signal. Even as an abortion supporting self identified trans ally liberal I thought it was extremely lame that writers and directors kept sacrificing the quality of their production to make some stupid moralist grandstanding. I always preferred movies and TV shows with minimal women speaking.

Fucking retard John. This is natural selection at it's finest. Should have the left the stupid pos there. Who tf does something like this? "Look there's a hole there that we don't know where it leads! Maybe there's another hole on the other side! :D"

I just realized the condom broke and now I just boofed 100 grams of meth in my ass and now I can shit bros

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Arabs make their own movies retard, they don't need Americans to put some ambiguous American larping as an Arab as the main actor.

I just got the admin to give me my very own Yas Forums board where I can shit and talk about shit all the time it's called Poo'ing Online Lazily or Yas Forums for short

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>I just boofed 100 grams of meth in my ass
Buckle down. Your death is going to be intense.

It also happens to be a pretty great film you retard

I just shoved this crocodile up my ass to eat some bros and it broke bros

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>a super powerful samurai who goes around doing backflips over 250 lbs armored space marines

But that could be an interesting character. Depends how oblique the referencing is.

I just defecated through a sunroof!

I just purposely destroyed multiple wires in my apartment building and shit in the circuit breaker box bros

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Go pay a visit to a Saudi Arabia rooftop, faggot.

>I can't simply enjoy a strong female character anymore without thinking its anti male bullshit.
I can

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I just took a shit through a sunroof while someone's kids were in the car bros

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I just used an electron microscope to photograph my shit bros

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The problem was that Firefly billed itself as an extremely realistic sci-fi TV series. In the show, everyone spoke Chinese. Because, in the future, Chinese and English blended together into some kind of pidgin. Then, the space battles had absolutely no sound. Unlike star wars and star trek, the sound of space vehicles in combat was totally removed. Similar to Kubrick's 2001. Because again firefly was attempting to be as realistic as possible

Then this extremely realistic sci fi series suddenly throws at the viewer a 90 pound cheerleard who can somersault over beefy space marines, knock their heads together, and these dumb assholes just stand there and get knocked out. Its lame and gay and retarded.

Well then you're unironically the same as the Twitter journalists who view everything through the lense of "white male power dynamics" if you're looking for politics, you're gonna find it. Unless they grandstand about their casting or whatever, asume that it's just a normal casting. If they're doing it for agenda points they will no doubt brag about it aswell

I just practiced writing my hiragana 50 motherfucking times while taking a shit bros

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That is one of the greatest photographs I've ever seen...

Pol lives inside your little brain RENTFREE nog.