ITT: CGI you can't believe isn't reality

>ITT: CGI you can't believe isn't reality

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Weren't pajeets supposed to be smart?

Attached: 1580265554118.gif (280x280, 3.6M)

advanced 4D chess

all of these videos are specifically manufactured and sent to the western world so everyone goes "haha pajeets so silly and dumb" and all of a sudden India 2020 Superpower

what happened with his sunglasses?


>hmmm somebody wiped off half of the universe? lemme just invent time travel real quick
Was iron man like this in the comics too or was it just a super smart guy?

I hate skin tight nanomachines. Mark 2 was the best.

Is this real?


The comics were made for the man-children

M"""C"""U movies were made for actual children

Yeah the nano machines are lame as shit.
The suitcase transformations where actually cool.

Pajeets can learn technology and how it all works but they lack literally anything else from wit to imagination. They'd basically be "wakanda" if you gave them vibranium or anything alike: they'd learn everything about how to use it but they'll never know how to actually use it in a smart nor creative way, they still won't advance their civilization one bit, they'll still look for ways it to help them shit the streets better and even the simplest and dumbest looking thing they do with it will blow their minds for hundreds of years.


woah its almost like IQ varies alot among pajeets.

I don't like you. I'll never like anything about you.

Woah its almost like the point I was trying to make was that the average IQ of pajeets is lower than what people commonly believe it to be

indians in india are dumb as fuck but the ones in western countries are not.

It's kinda how with asians, the smart ones leave their shithole countries so the majority of the ones you interact with are the cream of the crop

they are nano machines too and got absorbed in the hand. Still why the fuck did he had to double click his chest

>there are "adults" who enjoy this shit

how?you realize only the smartest of pajeets get to move into western countries.

>you know those mechanical suit up scenes people loved?
>we're looking to make some savings on effects, maybe just have the suit magically appear on him like an off-brand Venom, our fans will eat up anything at this point

That's the most retarded thing I've ever read. Sure, the more intelligent pajeets are the ones that are able to leave their shithole land, but that doesn't mean that "smart". It just means that they're smarter

check the average income statistics in US.

Compare the average income between the USA and india

Attached: AAIncomeNationality_1.jpg (715x468, 50.15K)

They're not, they just hire them because they're cheap.

I give are literally braindead.

I'm the one who thinks pajeets are smarter than whites?

nobody ever said that, mr falseflag

>nah glasses
>nah glasses

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 17.73K)

they're as smart as they're thirsty

Never said that.when comparing on average whites are much smarter than Indians just compare any white country to india.but when we compare ethnic groups in US it's not the case because legal immigration requires you to have well paying high skilled job.

i guess the basic wakaliwood shit