
based or what

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no, completely unrealistic.

Yeah, i'm thinking... based!

Unfair portrayal of Latin American culture

Attached: Catherine Shaw- British backpacker found dead in Latin America.jpg (615x409, 21.56K)

Great thriller. Second movie not so much.

>based on what?

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I liked it.

Attached: sicario car.webm (960x400, 1.14M)

Does it have good™ action at least?

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great film it had absolutely god awful script but villeneuve turned into something much more than that.

I'm getting a boner

>Does it have good™ action at least?


>not in front of my boys
>he shoots them first
really made me think



imagine how sweaty she must've gotten under all that black tactical gear ooooooh momma!

Attached: Emily Blunt Sicario-3.webm (1920x800, 2.22M)

Why the fuck are they wearing black skivvys in the texas desert. FBI SWAT teams wear Ranger green as a base line unfirom anyway. In that condition, beinga local FBI SWAT and at the time they would have been wearing No3 desert cam or maulticam combat dress at most.

not spell checking,

Dishonest filmmaking.

There are several scenes where this bitch fails to check around corners, it pisses me off so much.

to the contrary, it was refreshingly honest & honestpilled

You must be a vidya manchild to think that.

literally first thing she does entering the room is checking the corner. have sex

Lemme askusummin

He didn't hear it when an entire police station gave up a prisoner because the cartel arrived with full fucking millitary firepower.

if she peeked instead of strafing in she would have gotten headshotted just like in CS


Saw it yesterday, it's based

not really, she takes a full step in before looking to her side

that wasn't strafing, that was turning

shit mout

a frail white woman going against the cartel...

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Attached: Emily Blunt punch.webm (1920x800, 2.7M)

Attached: Emily Blunt Sicario.webm (1400x800, 2.8M)

She doesn't have to fight anyone, why does it matter if she's frail

and she's clearly in over her head the entire film, what's your point?
I was asking more about how it unfairly represents latin america.

Dumb bitch she fights the cartel.

The only good Hackneuve movie.

>normalizing the attempt
>logical people won't mind if we portray the first attempt as a failure
>next time female succeeds better since that's the whole point of normalization.
By watching and praising you encourage the attempt not the outcome. Slippery slope 101. Enjoy your female herione action stars forever more.

Krasinski deserved much better!