When should I stop watching?

When should I stop watching?
Currently at season 8.

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11, but if you're watching it for the first time you're a zoomer, so you will probably start liking it more after about season 15

Season 14 max

Watch everything faggot

You'll know

as you can see, exactly after season 11 episode 5, it takes a sudden turn for the worse and only gets worse from there

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have watched all of the first 9 seasons probably 30 times apiece, have seen less than ten episodes from after that. when Lisa's Sax premiered, I could tell something was up, and the decline starts almost immediately

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>wonder what that 4.6 episode is
>google it
>'Bart's friends start a boys rights activist group to protest Krusty's all-female reboot of Itchy and Scratchy. When they catch Bart enjoying it, they kick him out, so he joins Bossy Riot, a militant feminist gang of sixth-grade girls.'
How the fuck did it get to this from Homer playing on the company softball team?

Oh fuck I missed the 3.9 one
>After a desperate attempt by Lisa to become more popular backfires, Lady Gaga shows up in Springfield to help her with her self-esteem.

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The last season that stood out to me was the one with Furious D in "Saddlesore Galactica" Season 11

I remember liking that episode.
The only episode after that that I think was GOOD like old Simpsons was the 20 years in the future Chistmas episode

Stop at the movie.

The one season where every episode has a guest star. 10 i think?

This one?

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The Alec Baldwin episode

season 9 has the last really good episodes (half of it is kinda meh tho)
season 12 is the last watchable one
everything after is trash apart from a few decent episodes here and there

>worst late seasons zombie Simpsons episodes
>still a 6+ average rating
people have such trash standards

Your misogynism is showing. Who hurt you?

11 is a meme season. They should stop watching at 9 as it's just constantly downhill after that.

Season 11 episode 5


For some reason I have homer’s delivery of “It’s Kim Bassinger!” stuck in my head from childhood as the death knell of the series. Even my child brain knew something had changed. Maybe it’s because I didn’t know who she was nor did I care about Alec Baldwin either, and Homer’s over the top excited delivery just stuck with me as “this is not a joke. Why does this matter?”

listen,me and them are going to the bath
later on I will give you equipment back,probably
for now give me 100$ to buy some food

formerly tard

Halloween 15, married to the blob

Season 9

It has a few bad/meh episodes, but there are a few classics and unerrated gems in there

I hope Josephine amd her husband are doing well. I found their card like a week ago and I had completely forgotten about it. They were really lovely people.

I usually stop at s9 e1

Unironically S11E5

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Burns gets shot, part 2.
They played pt1 to death, to motherfucking death.
It was very very rare to see pt2 ever again. Same thing with rosebud.

that's why a 6.5 is considered "bad" when objectively it shouldn't

I would say this.