Air Force One

why dont they make 90's american kino anymore? truth, honor, justice.

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oh she was in little princess

yeah, i didnt even know she was in it. i looked her up and apparently she belongs to a wealthy family. shes worth 500 milly. little princess indead

I can't wait to return to caveman days

solid domestic choices

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time is a repeating pattern. you might get what you wish user

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imagine to lick royal pusy

No movies are comfier and have more rewatch value than late 80s/early to mid 90s Harrison Ford thrillers

what happened to comfy quips as well?

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Because those things don't exist in America anymore.

I remember when Air Force One came out in theaters. Adults around me after talked about how they would vote for Harrison Ford for president because of the movie. It is one of my earliest memories of hating all people.

was fun flying with you guys.

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this is why Trump became a reality tv star

it's my right as a white man to be allowed to have sex with little girls and anyone who disagrees is wrong

You can't make those movies anymore because apparently it's pro-military propaganda. You can however make movies about lgbt nonsense and that's not liberal propaganda at all.

those very fighters did fuck all on 9/11.

same but replace white man with black man and make it white girls.
you only get to watch and stroke your dick if you don't make any noise

>Liberty Two-Four is changing call signs
>Liberty Two-Four is now Air Force One!

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those very fighters are based in Europe, so it would be strange if they did anything on 9/11

>tfw Radek gets shot just seconds away from his bros
that scene made me sad when i was little

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What happened to The Thriller genre?

They can't maintain the pretence anymore. Even buzzards occasionally spew.

This flick is basically a split timeline plane scene where CIA wins

>One day during filming, two F/A-18 fighters appeared and radioed in a surprised report that the plane they'd been asked to identify was Air Force One and there were bullet holes in it.

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They only loved Clinton after they defeated Hillary's NHS idea.

>this is halo 2 they've lost countermeasures, I'm going in

Attached: Air Force Fun 3.webm (1262x530, 2.36M)

>the cut where her mom looks away


The part where the secretary who was so nice at the start is executed after a countdown from 10 fucked me up as a kid

Pity this movie usually only gets talked about here because of how shitty the plane crash at the end looked. I think they knew it looked like shit but they ran out of time or something

imagine being so pathetic that you care about how much money some little girl from decades ago who you'll never meet has.

I think what happened was it originally didn't have the crash shown on screen and test audiences wanted it added, so they did at the last minute

Attached: Air Force One.webm (1920x800, 2.98M)

holy fucking based