What happened to lad culture of the early to mid 00s and what kinos best encapsulate this brief but joyous phenomenon?

What happened to lad culture of the early to mid 00s and what kinos best encapsulate this brief but joyous phenomenon?

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The internet happened. There's tons of naked breasts on the internet, gramps.

Did you partake in buscuit wanking?
It's when you all gather in a circle with a biscuit in the middle. Whoever came last unto the cookie had to eat it

all women are whores

He said like it's a bad thing

where are the animals?

Right there on the front cover.

Feminists had all those magazines banned along with Page 3

Page 3 was a ridiculous cringy phenomenon anyway. I can't believe it existed for as long as it did.

Still my all-time favourite lads mag waifu

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I did but there was no biscuit and I always was last on purpose.

grew up and had kids; next generation was made up of those bullied by the aformentioned lads and so have become the pussified people we see today; internet obviated magazines

we still have this in Slavland

>lad culture
Prudish feminist women in the work place happened. They enforced their "views" on others at dinner parties and now every woman knows to threaten every virile man at work with harassment if he so much as gets an erection at work. Paving the way for her career advancement by blackmail.

nah it still exists you're just a loser


Remember when Nuts and Zoo had an actual gore section?
Used to get pictures of people hands mangled to fuck after industrial accidents.

We got some good teen comedies but even those were fairly watered down. Maybe we will have a Retro-Lad film some day just filled with a few frat guys trying to touch some big ass titties (and also there is a car chase)

No, I'm not gay

The GOAT, she's married now and works as a retirement home nurse or something.

the equality quotas are coming for your industry, just wait, you'll have to do twice the bitch work for the bitches like white collars have to.

Yeah I heard about that. Can't find any recent info or pics of her, she's probably hit the wall hard by now anyway.

She was the undisputed GOAT topless slag for me though

The Tailor Of Panama
Road To El Dorado

For me it was Keeley Hazel

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Weird how her head looks freakishly small compared to the rest her body.

She gives a mean blowjob. The rest of her sextape is absolute shite however.

Cause of her massive tits

Until all the OAPs get Coronavirus, the care industry goes bankrupt, and Sophie is forced to return to naked modelling to make ends meet...

For me it was:

>Sophie Howard
>Lucy Pinder
>Iga Wyrwal
>Michelle Marsh
>Kitty Lea
>Rosie Jones
>Melissa Debling
>Lilly Roma
>Alice Goodwin

Page 3 still exists in the Daily Star

2007 was the true Number of the Beast

Attached: 2007Complete.jpg (3335x1403, 1.16M)

>what kinos best encapsulate this brief but joyous phenomenon?

Kevin and Perry Go Large