>Fight Club is a critique of toxic masculinity
>The Matrix is an allegory of coming out as trans
>Starship Troopers is a satire of fascism
>Full Metal Jacket is an anti-war movie
>RoboCop is a warning against capitalism
>There Will Be Blood is an allegory of capitalism vs faith
>Joker is about socialist revolution
>American Psycho is satire of sociopathy between rich
>Star Wars rebels are supposed to be Viet Cong
>Die Hard is a Christmas movie
Fight Club is a critique of toxic masculinity
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just another part of their endless campaign to demoralize you and take everything you love
>>Die Hard is a Christmas movie
read this whole shitpost waiting for this line
thanks for not disappointing
American Psycho is just about fitting in
I hate it when people say this. It's just an excuse to defend entertainment that clearly only shills in one direction.
You can derive any sort of meaning from a movie. It all depends on the person and leftists love to project their delusions on to popular media.
it's all so tiresome
American Psycho is about checking 'em.
>>Star Wars rebels are supposed to be Viet Cong
Check mine instead
I wouldn’t define Full Metal Jacket as “anti-war”, but I think it’s a fair judgment to make
Checkin' this?
Most of these are just objectively true per the words of the director whether you like it or not
>Avatar 2 is a 611 days until
>Starship Troopers is a satire of fascism
Maybe not fascism but at least militarism, which is an integral part of fascism.
Verhoeven himself said something like they were fascist in denial.
there are some based allegories:
Tetsuo: The Iron Man is movie above gays spreading aids and destroying human civilization.
>Fight Club is a critique of toxic masculinity
>Starship Troopers is a satire of fascism
>Full Metal Jacket is an anti-war movie
>RoboCop is a warning against capitalism
>There Will Be Blood is an allegory of capitalism vs faith
>American Psycho is satire of sociopathy between rich
>Star Wars rebels are supposed to be Viet Cong
These are all well-documented as being the case
>Joker is about socialist revolution
Not quite but not completely off-base
>The Matrix is an allegory of coming out as trans
Conjecture but plausible
>Die Hard is a Christmas movie
I really hope this hyper political, nihilist, sarcastic mindset fad goes away.
It’s so tiresome dealing with people who only want to “deconstruct”
>Fight Club is a critique of toxic masculinity
>well-documented as being the case
It's more about capitalism/consumerism and its emasculating effect and the subsequent "toxic" masculine reaction than "toxic masculinity" in itself, but that's still not wrong. Read that Fincher has said about it
>Star Wars rebels are supposed to be Viet Cong
>These are all well-documented as being the case
I doubt anyone in the creative process of making the OT said that.
>that's still not wrong
Yes it is. "Toxic masculinity" is a complete meme term and anyone who keeps saying it doesn't know what they are talking about.
George Lucas literally explicitly said that, see
Boo hoo
>the rugrats takes place in angelica's head!!
>ed, edd and eddy are in purgatory!!
>garfield is actually dying of starvation!!
>ash ketchum is really in a coma!!
>charlie brown has cancer!!
>donald duck has ptsd!!
>courage is really a normal dog, just the people he sees through his perspective seem like monsters!!
Holy toothpaste and spaghetti batman, this list really fucked me up. That's enough internet for today.
Edit: Wow, this really blew up!
Ah, the kind of quality argument you can expect from someone like you.
You're not making an argument, you're just whining about a term you don't like
Well. I stand corrected.
>There Will Be Blood is an allegory of capitalism vs faith
I don't see anything wrong with this one
not checking 'em but checking mine
A term that doesn't mean anything. It's literally just a catch all strawman for anything masculine and changes definition depending on who's using it. You are not smart for using it because the term is disingenuous drivel from the get go. You're just brainwashed.
You are the one who had to resort to "boo hoo" when you couldn't think of anything else to say. I accept your concession of defeat.
>Ryan Johnson said TLJ was a good movie
Director opinions don't mean shit.
Once the economy crashes this subculture will probably go away since less kids will go to university and learn about deconstruction and meme political philosophy.
It was already a fad from the previous decade and now with coronavirus taking over the world I don't think many people are going to be in the mood for that shit.
And to add to this, what Fight Club is actually about is unironically what the people who keep using "toxic masculinity" would consider toxic masculinity to be, so the claim is doubly retarded.
>with coronavirus taking over the world