If Yas Forums is correct about women and looks then how come all of Henry's girlfriends are ugly as fuck...

If Yas Forums is correct about women and looks then how come all of Henry's girlfriends are ugly as fuck?(compared to him)

I'm 100% there are guys who are reading this right now that have dated way better looking women than Henry yet have none of the things he has but according to you guys someone like him should have entire harems filled with the most attractive women of hollywood.

He literally has to resort to prey on noname high school girls despite everything he has and the one he dated isn't even hot and looks twice her age.

>inb4 he doesn't care about looks he cares about personality
1)There are plenty good looking women with good personalities, they arent mutually exclusive
2)Henry seems shallow as fuck i doubt he cares about personality, most guys dont either

How do you explain this?

Attached: 513574492-copy.jpg (2516x1677, 336.77K)

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He looks like he has a small dick.

Also, he's gay.

They are nice maybe or have similar interests it’s not like they are hideous. Have sex bro or make friends or something

He has an average girl fetish
They probably worship his cock

he's so gorgeous bros

>it’s not like they are hideous

Attached: ngiinwkljq0uiiwu.jpg (454x454, 29.29K)

He'd rather be at home painting Warhammer models

Attached: Henry Cavill 40k.jpg (946x2048, 166.5K)

>thinking actual chads want stacies that are more attractive than they are

After a certain point you dont really give a shit anymore. If you've banged a few super hot chicks, you realize they arent even necessarily better to fuck. They usually have shit personalities and personality is the most important aspect of attractiveness. Theres virtually no chicks that have 10/10 bodies and 10/10 personalities.

Literally every other actor than him does though

Several reasons.
Stars like him can't date who he pleases.
If he chooses someone too attractive, asian, or young, the female fanbase would revolt.

1) Yas Forums is wrong about women
2) so are you

That chick isn't ugly.

>or young
His ex-girlfriend in OP's pic was 19 when they dated, though.

Yeah I know, wtf she's a 10 in my book. I mean compared to like some of the chicks Leonardo Dicaprio has been with, sure she's like a 6, but generally speaking that woman he's with in the picture is pretty fucking beautiful.

Men who know what’s best for themselves will tell you that the hottest girls usually aren’t worth the headache. This is especially true for relationships. It’s all about finding a good balance, also a girl with a killer personality who legit loves you but is only a 7/10 is way more fulfilling and actually contributes to your happiness, where as a boring hot chick who just uses you sucks.

Henry is definitely in the same league as that chick btw.

>How do you explain this?

Dude I just checked that list. Gina Carano and Kaley Cuoco...wtf? The dude is a champ in my book. You're a faggot OP. Once again.

He isn't really THAT handsome. I mean a man is a man. How intelligent is he?

Are you female? I sense it.

How do you do my dear lady?

>B-but many people have good personalities!
Confirmed for never being truly in love. Personality doesn't mean "not a nagging bitch", it's all about chemistry.

Fucking based chad

Uhh no banging super hot chicks will always be 100x better than fucking uggos.
Are you trying to tell me looking at a beautiful tiddy bounce isn't a transcendental experience?

I'm a man and I'm very handsome. And let me tell you as a very handsome man being handsome ain't all its cracked up to be.
Don't get me wrong its better than being ugly. But ugly guys think just because you are attractive you will be rolling in pussy but that's not true.
I'm very handsome but I'm also pretty cowardly. I'm very afraid of women. Henry Cavill might be like me. He plays table top Warhammer after all.

Look at this picture the n-th time you wake up alone

damn he's doing a good job. i remember trying to paint some figurines and i was pretty shit at it

Nah OP is right those whores look like my local tinder selection and my location is trash.

He's dating waifus, not cumbuckets. You will understand when you grow up.

They're hired beards.

Shes not ugly at all, and hes probably used to hoes spreading their legs at the sight of him so he goes for more down to earth chicks which is what she looks like

This. Incels cant relate

I know what you mean. I'm good at talking to girls and I always have been, but for some reason when it comes time to have sex I get stage fright, and have even several times not been able to even obtain an erection out of fear. I guess I'm just worried that the sex won't live up to her expectations. That's why once I found a girl I felt comfortable around (we were friends first, and I had actually told her about this dilemma) I was able to get it hard every time, and now we've been together for a few years and might even get married.

She is in no way the hottest chick I've ever been with, but I'm happy and so is she so that's really all that counts. It also feels good to see and know her jealous friends/coworkers can't believe she did so well, when some of them are (I'd say) hotter than her but all their husbands are fat and balding with no personalities...Clearly most of them met at a bar.. Feels good.

she’s cute

He looks very uncomfortable with her on his arm. He is probably super awkward and can't make conversation that well.
If he was looking for a waifu he wouldn't be on his 9th hollywood gf, unless they are leaving him.


Bros, the corona is back, careful who you reply to

>How do you explain this?
he has a beta-mind. he has a chubby guy mind. he can't get the 10/10 because in his mind he doesn't deserve it, he is still the loser he was in his teens. this is also why he goes for the young girls because he wants to live his teenage years he missed out on. plus they are laos more likely to put up with his shit, whereas older women would just leave him. i talk from experience about this.