Kisame...we’re leaving

Kisame...we’re leaving

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Why did those two even hang out with the akatsuki?


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i love itachiposting so much

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Awful lot of Uchiha around here.

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I stopped after the pain saga. Did I miss much?

No, Ninja War is probably the worst arc in all of shounen manga.

He still kept tabs on the Akatsuki for the hidden leaf even after becoming a rogue ninja


kisames arc was that he hated world built on lies so he liked madara's idea of "world of truth", or something like that

Itachi literally never sent a single shred of information to the hidden leaf

Kisame was the only one Obito never lied to

For the best uniform in the series.

An edgy coat, a stupid hat, and emo-chick nail polish?

What part did you not get faggot? He shouldn't have to repeat himself to fucking niggers

same. these pepes never get boring

STFU mutt. Organization XIII did it better.

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You missed Naruto v Sasuke
Guy unlocking all the gates
Naruto mastering the 9 tails
Sasuke and Itachi vs Kabuto sage mode
Tobi's back story
Madara coming back

Also 2 good movies and Naruto finally getting some fine pussy

Kakashi Anbu was alright also.

>You missed Naruto v Sasuke
>Guy unlocking all the gates
only good moment which lasted for minutes
>Naruto mastering the 9 tails
training was good but 9 tails mode was incredibly disappointing
>Sasuke and Itachi vs Kabuto sage mode
>Tobi's back story
the only actual story worth watching in this shit arc
>Madara coming back
meh, at first it looked exciting but it devolved into very tiresome and uninteresting fights

it's just not worth it. save your time user.

Just play Ninja Storm 4

>mfw I shove a crow down some kids throat for 150 chapters

You forgot best girl becoming an absolute waifu in the last Naruto movie
Hanabi 4 evah

Why am I seeing Naruto stuff all over the place again?

Do you usually browse here at this time? This has been happening since at least January.

Zoomers are old enough to influence the board culture, and Naruto represents their childhood

I mean I've been seeing it in other social media as well

based off topic narutards :-)

Dont listen to this retard's worthless "hurr i just hate everything" babble. When you have the time, come back and just enjoy it. So good moments throughout. Its not groundbreaking but it is rewarding to finish. Good fights, good closure to certain characters, and with quarantine you have the time. You can look up what fillers are worth skipping to limit any strain

Sorry user, its late and i mixed up the order of posters I linked. But you get the idea. Give it a run through

Which character would be portrayed by Wojak?