Better Call Saul

How the fuck did he survive this?

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That's like the height of a one story house, how the fuck wouldn't he?

Powerful quads

Lalo is the most powerful character in BCS and BB

Because people are bored and need to make lame memes

Lalo does parkour

Friendly reminder that this bitch fell half that distance, her head exploded and she died on impact. Lalo should have disintegrated entirely.

Attached: 2157573F-4FA3-4072-A341-D3BC07625E98.jpg (250x300, 13.92K)

Ever land on a car from a decent height?
Those things are pretty bouncey

Attached: 1554010242113.jpg (651x793, 69.42K)

not when they're upside down

The stuntman is obviously jumping on a soft foam pad just behind the car and someone behind is jerking the car just as he lands on the mat.


Attached: lalo3.webm (960x540, 287.78K)


By being the most based character on this board


monkey man

Attached: Screenshot_20200415-015612.png (1370x2048, 1.23M)

>15 ft
how many meters

about 3 manlets

4-5 meters metrifag

have you never seen a parkour video

I jump off my house all the time

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Only 2 relevant countries still uses imperial values, you live in the past.

There's only one relevant country.

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>the impact is distributed throughout the chassis of the car (which, itself, is very flexible), rather than a small patch of dirt
It's like you faggots know absolutely nothing about physics

If feet was based on the emperor sizes. Does ft now stand for Trump shoe sizes?

You Americans are so fucking unfit my god. Lose weight, hit the gym.

Attached: 4r5i3tsdiny01.jpg (640x480, 74.05K)

mexican jumping beans


Attached: cthulhu2020.jpg (422x550, 58.17K)

oh yeah that is pretty obvious now

Predictions on what happens next episode?

>cold open with Chuck because every season finale so far started with Chuck
>Lalo suspicious about Nacho or Gus after Kim's speech about trust
>Kim gets threatened by cartel
>Jimmy spends the 100k to make Kim "disappear"

Shit's going down fast, I don't know if they're going to have time to fit in a Chuck flashback next ep. We better get at least one more before the series is over.

Strong legs and light weight?

Is there any character in entertainment history that could ever hope to match the raw rugged masculinity and unbridled jumping prowess of Eduardo "Leapin' Lalo" Salamanca? I'm in absolute awe at the sheer vertical feats accomplished by this Mexican jumping bean.

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