What movies should I watch to become a more cultured and all around more well rounded human being?
What movies should I watch to become a more cultured and all around more well rounded human being?
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dustin checks in
Boss Baby
He's reading the Bible.
is this the average /lit/ poster?
film is consoomer jew shit
but if you must then
He's clearly reading the Quran
how are books above film as a medium?
based and احمر احمر
Remember, light can't exist without darkness.
thank you op i was looking for this picture
Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
Nouvelle vague (1990)
Nashville (1975)
The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)
Lola (1961)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Jules and Jim (1962)
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)
L'Avventura (1960)
Man of Steel (2013)
it's yours friend!
one of these is not like the other
so fucking cringe
he could be a history student
I doubt he's reading anything, he's just posing for a picture. I've never seen anybody hold a book like that if they're actually reading.
Look up lists of popular films, and use your judgment to filter out the pleb normie shit.
is a starter.
Watch films from different genres and different eras.
Anything that isn't made by Disney, DC comics partners, or Quentin Tarantino.
It's Nick Mullen
So this guy is the light and the guy reading the cucked jew desert book is dark
Just google "100 films before you die" or some shit like that
Gavin Mcinnes' movie of course.
Isn't he basically broke now? I bet he regrets turning alt right so much lol
delete my pic bro thanks
>I doubt he's reading anything, he's just posing for a picture. I've never seen anybody hold a book like that if they're actually reading.
Read wikipedia summaries of foreign films so you can sound educated and then just watch anime.
>become a more cultured and all around more well rounded human being?
You should read instead of wasting your time with movies if that's your goal.
just learn how to have a genuine opinion on stuff. Don't regurgitate what you've heard others say, instead understand the words they use and come up with your own thoughts on the subject.
>so fucking cringe
A good addition to this chart would be Coulanges' The Ancient City.
You need to watch the trailer too. Wikipedia + trailer = good enough opinion
Technical schematics
normally I would mock this image but I now realize I'm just jealous nobody would take the time to photograph me reading a book
>Man of Steel
how based of you
2001 a space oddessey
Longest Day
Gone with the wind
The Shinning
Taxi Driver
Rush Hour 2
Mad Mad World
History of the World Pt 1. (skip 2 its shit and ruins what the 1st built)
At least this idiot is actually reading the Bible. Probably has no idea what he is reading though
Film is an innately passive form of media and not simulating compared to a book or live theatre play