Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order?

Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order?

Attached: Two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda..jpg (1299x621, 106.72K)

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Yes, is Robert working today?

large fries and two cheeseburgers

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Depends, are you on the menu?

Yeah can I have a white person take my order, NIGGER!

>no soda
I too hate walking home with cold shit in my hands.

Sorry we dont sell niggers

>Robert working at Good Burger and Kinoplex
God he can’t hold this many jobs, it’s not healthy

>there are people on TV who haven’t seen Good Burger despite it being on Netflix
Watch it you faggots

>They have their meals listed as multiples of the same basic bitch meal
>a "double" is two burgers, two fries, two drinks
>not simply a double patty burger like every. other. fucking. burger. joint
I hope carona chan puts this place out of business.

I want a plain burger with nothing on it.

i'd like an orange soda please

But they do have it. It’s blocked by Ed’s head though

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What if I want a "double good burger" meal as is my wont? How do i keep the nog from getting confused and fucking up my order?? >.

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Do you do curbside or doordash?

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>not being retarded
You failed even before you began

he's a relentlessly handsome brown chocolate boy

im speaking of the restaurant in general, not just Ed. It's quite possible I wouldnt have him filling my order when I go there, retard. I'm entirely focused on the retardation of the sign, not the shitty character.

He also has negative IQ, he’s a complete baka


I can't just GIVE you a Good Burger, you have to pay for it!

I would like to remind you that Good Burger does not allow dining in! But also, you shouldn't dine out either. Huh. I wonder where you're supposed to eat! Times sure are crazy.

>Ed not taking your order
Unless you do drive through he has to take your order. It’s Good Burger law.
As for the menu. It’s referred to as a Double Good Meal rather than a Double Good Burger. Last word makes all the difference

>Kel still doing this character 20 years later on All That

>Double Good Meal rather than a Double Good Burger.
This much ambiguity is problematic. That's my point. I don't want to take these kinds of chances when i'm risking my life not keeping social distancing to get my food. We need to be crystal clear when lives are at steak.

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dan schneider is in this movie

Stay off of my computer.

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Posts like yours are a diamond dozen in these times of fear. Just go out and get your food and don't take it for granite.

>eventually he’s going to be like the old man who worked there too long
Always Mondo Burger

For all intensive porpoises, that's what I'm doing, but it's a moo point if I can't enjoy the meal because mistakes were made. Normally, I could care less, but in times like these you have to speak up

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You mean, Dan “Foot Plan” Schneider?

He's autistic.
>Takes everything quite literally
>that moment where they almost connect on the roof but says that shit about how he misses his dad but sees him when he gets home everyday

It's filled with 300 terabytes of Miranda's feer

Don’t forget when he totally No Way Fagged the evil hot chick when she tried to seduce him. Also that scene is golden

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Dan "Hymen Divided" Schneider

Lovecraftian kino.

tell me about your boss, mr baily

Dude, you can’t HAVE a white person. Slavery’s illegal!

Dan “Beat Meat to Feet” Schneider

The mondo burger guy always reminded me of the singer from linkin park

Read it in his voice

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How many niglets do you think were BTFO at this scene