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bow to your sensei!
Napoleon Redditmite.
Childhood is thinking you’d grow up to be uncle ricko adulthood is realizing you grew up to be kip
Like I told you, redditors flock to this cringe inducing "film".
this was a great movie, but it inspired a lot of pomo garbage comedy
Get better taste, fucking faggot. Here's a list:
1. Bottle Rocket
2. Eraserhead
3. Clockwork Orange
4. If...
5. Monty Python Holy Grail
Get fucked, redditor.
t. summer
Imagine actually enjoying this annoying pleb shit. Faggot middle schoolers use to quote this shit, OP...Op, you fucking reddit faggot.
if i could just go back to 2003....
go back to r/I'magayfuckingfaggot, redditor and get better taste in film, kiddo.
look at you based patricians, go ahead, print out this page and show mommy
Watched this recently with a friend who hasn't seen it before. After about half an hour he asked me with no sarcasm if it was actually supposed to be a comedy. I told him it was and I remember laughing, though hadn't seen the movie for over 10 years.
About 40 minutes in we turned it off. He said it was unwatchable, cringey garbage, and it's a movie that is just making fun of a guy who clearly has mental disabilities and just couldn't find it amusing.
cope, faggot. reddit loves this shit fucking film.
OP has shit comedy taste, try Rushmore or know, actually funny but clever shit instead of this mentally retarded shit.
if only... i...
Get fucked, Redditfag.
Here's a actually good comedy, faggot. Dude abides...dude abides...
This guy is Zack Snyder personified.
No doubt you say?
Is this a joke? Memety Python is even more reddit than Napoleon Dynamite, and Wes Anderson is up there even if Bottle Rocket is one of his least-watched films.
wtf?? I hate napoleon dynamite now
But Kip marries the hot black chick at the end
Napoleon dynamite's a national treasure. Anyone who says otherwise takes it in the pooper.
Honestly, I detected a true melancholy in the film's presentation. To me, it was pretty much a drama. I can see why this resonates so well with millenials, it's a work of art
Rewatched it again recently and loved every minute
Shame people here werent old enough to remember when it first got released and will just shit on it
Call him a pussy
you have to check out the short it was based on. it's black and white and should be on YouTube. it's really good. you can totally see the impetus for the full length movie in the aesthetic of the short
honestly thats why its aged so well
its funny and melancholy and strikes this tone that no other movie has managed
I believe it’s a parody of parody. It’s a farce on Hollywood’s false sense of the Midwest and “flyover states”. The mindset that people in small towns are so dumb and only eat microwaved quesadillas while wrestling with pooping chickens and talking about football, and did you see that karate guy?! It’s a joke on how far removed Hollywood is from the rest of the country. It takes absurdism to the exact degree necessary to still sympathize with the characters. Life exists outside of La and NYC and it isn’t dumber or less relevant