This shit is pretty good
Thanks for letting us know.
This movie was fucking stupid. Not even meme-ing here.
The gun play was awful and unrealistic. Blunt's character was fucking shitty(which was oddly realistic for some diversity hire female). The story was weak as shit too.
worst villenvue Im affraid this is what dune is gonna be like...pleb shit
No problem fren
Literally who cares about the gunplay and enemy blunts character was supposed to be annoying so whatever dood
Completely meme movie. Brolin and del Toro added nothing memorable, basically were themselves. The third one is, and was, literally who.
she's meant to be shitty, my man, that's the central conceit. she's just a stooge brought along, she's shitty and inept just like the rest of the people who think they can actually make a dent on the war playing by the 'moral' rules that sound good when reported about on TV
that's funny because I remember them both
But do you remember them for anything they didn't already do in other movies, acting-wise? Del Toro had more soul with his few minutes of screen time in License to Kill, for fuck's sake.
what's a better movie
so what's your point dude? if they had cast actors who had done nothing like they do specifically on that one movie you'd be ok with it then?
Arrival is worse
This film did not have enough female characters. Why not make the sicario a woman?
Agreed 100%. Arrival is pseud garbo.
I already named one. License to Kill. Robert Davi making out with his pet chameleon is better than any scene in Sicario.
I have not unlocked that pepe yet. It remains in chains.
Sicario is a movie that didn't need to be made, not with those two actors in it. So I guess yes, fresh faces would have made it more interesting.
Fucking incredible
That scene when they go to juarez and come back is the most kino shit I've ever seen in a long time
How the fuck did he missed ?
Pretentious film like everything Villeneuve does
>the gun play was awful and unrealistic
Want to know how I know you dont know what you're talking about?
>How the fuck did he missed ?
>be spic
>doing something right
maybe leave the house, user
Can someone give me a movie with a scene like this ?
It's actually easy to miss if you're not aiming.
top kek
motel scene in No Country For Old Men
The real question is why the fuck did she ask why he fired
already seen no country for an old men but yeah I agree with you
>shoot Benicio in the mouth and leave him for dead
>hes completely covered in mouth and nose and didnt die of asphyxiation
Shit movie
fucking nikita FIX THE SERVERS
that's the second one which was shit
nice digis
>im the sicario now
What did he mean by this?