A-user is that you...? *wheeze* Hehe boy I probably look like shit right n-now don- *cough* *COUGH*...

>A-user is that you...? *wheeze* Hehe boy I probably look like shit right n-now don- *cough* *COUGH*, s-sorry I don't have much time left I just wanted to say you were my favorit- *throat clear* favorite customer...

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Other urls found in this thread:



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wtf robert why are you in my grans nursing home

You're been a pretty big cunt to me recently, Robert. Having me thrown out and shit. Always giving me that look; when was the last time you even smiled at me?

Rest in piss, nigger.

Reply top this post and Robert lives

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Who do these posts actually cater to, like what possible humor do you get from this stupid dumb idiots face being reposted on a tv film board. God I want this coronavirus shit to be over so I can go outside or go to a bar and be social with actual heterosexuals rather than be stuck posting here and seeing posts like this. Losers.

I'm from Reddit and I love these threads, I think this long running absurd joke is funny. I think it's funny how everyone plays along with it. It's fun.

And I know people are going to think I'm false flagging and trying to paint this meme as reddit, but I don't care. I'm from Reddit, I enjoy shitposting here, and nothing you people can do or say can make me leave. So just keep seething at memes faggot, and all you other faggots who aren't seething at memes keep seething at me being from Reddit.

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Robert you have been gaslighting me for years. Fuck you. I hope you die alone

>Who do these posts actually cater to, like what possible humor do you get from this stupid dumb idiots face being reposted on a tv film board. God I want this coronavirus shit to be over so I can go outside or go to a bar and be social with actual heterosexuals rather than be stuck posting here and seeing posts like this. Losers.

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In what way are you "from" reddit, though? Like do you post on its more normie subreddits? Do you make quips that entertain bugmen in that reddity way they do things, or do you just belong to some casual subreddit where you talk about whatever?


based redditor

i for one only come here to funpost and steal screencaps to get easy karma

Stay strong Robert
Worth a shot


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I am from Reddit on the sense that I used Reddit before Yas Forums and started coming to Yas Forums because I enjoyed he shitposting and memes. Nowadays I go to Reddit when I feel like having actual discussions and come to Yas Forums when I feel like shitposting.

Oh I'm sorry to hear robert. I guess I shouldn't have exposed you to my little science experiment, it was a little deadlier then I expected...

Maybe in your next life you'll stop calling the singles police on me.

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....R Robert??


It's really not much better on Reddit. I've never used it in any proper capacity (I've gone to subreddits about shit that's especially interested me, but I don't post there); and whenever I think that it might be better for discussion, I quickly see how they devolve into arguments roughly in the same way that Yas Forums does, except it's ironically for reasons often even more petulant than Yas Forums, usually with people desperately trying to one-up one another by being the most logical. This happens here, too, but you can just as easily have somebody call you a faggot and have that be that. That and they have the downvote system, which I have mixed feelings on. I sometimes think it's good, but when I see what redditors normally deem worthy of downvoting (and upvoting, for that matter) it makes me think they're not the best idea.

You probably don't actually post there for real discussions and just say that you do because it still "feels" like you do. I guarantee reddit isn't any more or less stimulating than this place in the longrun.

Don't leave us Robert! Who else will make sure that I get a large popcorn with extra butter mixed with junior mints?

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>Nowadays I go to Reddit when I feel like having actual discussions
>It's really not much better on reddit
Seconding the latter. Actual discussion hasn't existed on the internet pretty much since poorfags invaded in the early to mid 00s.

thanks for visiting tourist

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I don't know what subs you go on, how often you go there, how much of a chance you gave it or whatever, but I spend lots of time both here and there and have been doing so for a long time now and the quality of actual discussion is much higher on Reddit than it is here.

Make me.

Not him but every discussion I've seen on Reddit is painfully railroaded by invisible social rules. Granted if you are completely ignorant towards a subject you are liable to learn more at Reddit by virtue of the fact people aren't shutting down anything that remotely resembles serious discussion. Still, anything off script or critical of the meta (which is usually where real learning is to be found) is downvoted into oblivion and ultimately discouraged. It's just Yas Forums with a more diverse lexicon.

t. person who barely goes on reddit

How many chances do I need to fucking give it? I've been there several times and even tried to get more involved with a subreddit very relevant to my daily life. It's objectively full of bullshitters offering up shallow information the same as Yas Forums. They just go about it more formally.

If you honestly think the discussion on Reddit isn't significantly better on Reddit than you clearly haven't given it much of a shot. I know "Reddit bad" is the general sentiment here and you can't bring yourself to go against that but stop pretending like you have any idea what you're talking about and just call Reddit for faggots or something.

Please kys

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is that baby sneed?

If you define discussion as empty exchange of stock opinions then sure it's better by viture of the fact Reddit has more stock opinions. I'm not saying Yas Forums is better than reddit. Yas Forums was literally destroyed by redditors. Redditors, by your own admission, just see this site as an excuse for being uninhibited online. I'm saying they are equally worthless for real discussion. You can't provide me a single link where someone is challenging the status quo on reddit in a way that is truly subversive that doesn't get downvoted. The same you wouldn't find it on Yas Forums without people ignoring it or telling the guy to fuck off.

shut up, nigger

>You can't provide me a single link where someone is challenging the status quo on reddit in a way that is truly subversive that doesn't get downvoted
Lmao stop pretending like you have any idea how discussion on Reddit is you clearly don't know what you're talking about

well, in other news...

Wow great link. I've truly been btfo.

He's right. Reddit, by its very design, is impossible to have proper discussion in. Dissenting opinions are downvoted and hidden, and the karma system encourages just posting what you know others will agree with.

Why do you insist on pretending like you know what you're talking about when you clearly have no clue?