It's up

Get in here Angela Anacaonda bros!

Attached: angela anaconda.png (1916x996, 1.37M)

Stop shilling her

OP all you are doing is filling her comments section with reddet

Adam Reed’s sense of humour and pacing seems eerily similar to Angela Anaconda.

fuck off with this trash fucking beta

the video is 4 days old you nigger cuck

Is she autistic?

>Is she autistic?

she is yes. Not joking.

Source on that? She's super hot also.


god fucking damn it I'm so lonely bros

She even made one video where she complained that men today only like "thicc latinas".

Hello cool Angelas and Anacittens!

Honestly it’s not the autism that would stop me from dating her, she’s just autistic for such a mediocre show

Can you please post it? Sounds hilarious.

Based footbros asking the important questions

lmao please be real

Don't have the link, just search in her channel.

built for awkward autistic sex

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Tall bitch.

she must live in a shitskin area

>all those videos
At least shes dedicated

Autistics are obsessive and obsess over whatever they were exposed to as children. For boys it's video games and for girls it's kid's shows. Autistics in the past would get obessed with mathematics and make new branches of physics and help the world. Now they're making youtube videos.

Do you remember what the video was called? Can't find anything.

Yeah, i've been searching and I can't find it either, I know the title was some complaint like that.
Maybe she's deleted it.

Search for what?

>that men today only like "thicc latinas".

well ironic since she herself has that exact kind of body. big ass big tits, thin weist. just perfect hourglass.


yeah it's up since april 10th you retard

guys I'm 23yo kissless virgin

>that exact kind of body
except she isn't 5'2''

Hello, i'm a 24yo kissless virgin

Do not want.

28khv here

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there’s an alternate universe where her parents happen to plop her in front of an episode of Ren and Stimpy instead and she’s literally perfect

How tall is she?

tall enough to sit on my face


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Do you think she hits the gym, bros? In some videos she flexes her muscles and they are pretty big.