Millennials and zoomers owe all their humor to these guys

Millennials and zoomers owe all their humor to these guys

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So THAT'S why they're all unfunny cunts who think they understand Kaufman.

Personally I think Mitch Hedburg, Sarah Silverman and Micheal Richards have had more influence on our contemporary sense of humour

i'm a zoomer and i fucking hate tim and eric. everybody says "its better when you're high bro" so i got high and it was still fucking shit. it's just uncomfortable to watch, not comedic in the slightest. i can only conclude that you have to have suffered literal, actual brain damage to find this sort of 'comedy' enjoyable.
i hate eric andre almost as much

>Micheal Richards

I see what you did there

Why is "ironic" humor popular with millennials/zoomers anyway?


Out of the loop 33 year old detected

they just used a type of humor everyone else was already using, especially high school and college students, and sort of trademarked it after the fact. The idea that they're pioneers is ridiculous.

We’re living in a post history, post culture, late capitalist society. Everything is dreadful. Ironic detachment is the only way forward, sincerity is nauseating

>Micheal Richards
>hate Eric Andre
Shit taste, user.
Maybe try Tom Goes to the Mayor? It's the only good show that Tim and Eric have ever created and it's good some pretty funny bits from Bob Odenkirk (Saul Goodman.)

*echoing metallic steps*

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I don't understand when people say Tim and Eric are influential. I don't see it.

>there are people on Yas Forums right now that are such stick up their ass hipsters that they hate this sketch
What a bunch of queers. Especially since a lot of the Tim and Eric hatred didn't come until they shit on Sam Hyde and his gay Yas Forumstard show.

i will agree a lot of awesome show was "HEY GUYS GET IT IT'S IRONIC TOILET HUMOR" but the sketches that make fun of commercials/public television are good, and so are a lot of the musical ones
some of it is genuinely unsettling at times but i enjoy the absurdity

Humor goes in phases, because it's a running reflection of the culture which produces it. It's natural that a well of irony springs up then fades, and something beyond that takes its place. The most universal and timeless humor is either dry, or based mainly on wit rather than relative cultural commentary.

Huge influence on the funniest people around right now like kyle mooney and nathan fielder

fucking love this one

>Shit taste, user.
the eric andre show is literally just 'haha, funny black man act like retard and harass people'
it's not funny
>Maybe try Tom Goes to the Mayor? It's the only good show that Tim and Eric have ever created and it's good some pretty funny bits from Bob Odenkirk (Saul Goodman.)
i'd prefer to shove a red hot paper clip deep into my urethra than willingly subject myself to tim and eric ever again.

Tim and Eric don't smoke weed and explicitly make fun of their stoner audience in this sketch, not that they understood lol

Nathan Fielder? The only similarities I can think of are when he goes over the top on Nathan For You, but that doesn't seem Tim and Eric-esque to me. Has he done more surreal and ironic stuff outside of the show that I'm not aware of?

Lost already at grill vogel. I think tim is the funniest person to ever live but then again im a retard.

Leftist/cultural Marxist brainwashing

>I'm not willing to watch it because I'm stubborn and superior.
Whatever, man. Tom Goes to the Mayor actually came out before Awesome Show, Great Job, so it's a bit less cancerous.
I actually agree with you about the "on the street" Eric Andre bits, but it's golden when he fucks with celebrities. The Lauren Conrad bit that almost got the show sued was golden.

i get marijuano 0.0

It certainly influenced MDE

Bob Odenkirk is so underrated, he gave Tim and Eric their careers and is one of the fathers of modern alternative comedy

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Committing to something makes you vulnerable to judgement and mockery, which is the worst thing someone spineless can face. If you surround yourself with a layer of irony, you can't be attacked because you can always pass it off as nothing serious.
This incidentally is why Capeshit is so soulless, and why their quips are the ultimate cancer on the industry.

Tim and eric is terrible, and they owe everything to tom green

I liked Tim and Eric and still do. Genuinely don't understand why people hate them on here. So many classic bits they did. Pretty much every single Cinco product is gold.

Don't listen to the greggheads


Tim and Eric weren't even on tv yet for the majority of Millennial's teenage years. It's pure zoomer trash for dumb zoomers.

Tim has made it very clear that Mr Show was the largest single influence on Awesome Show

The absurdist humor fits right in to most Yas Forums. People here don’t like tim because he’s lib

more like "i'm not willing to watch because i don't fucking like tim and eric's style of comedy, how fucking clear do i have to make that to you"

You mean Andy Kaufman.

saw them live few months ago.

fucking hilarious shit.

the only cringe thing was they had a singing montage sing a long with the crowd, and at the end they flashed a fat guys sunken penis on the screen

still funny

Same here. I don't find fucking anything funny because it makes me feel powerful. Nothing makes me fucking laugh it's all stupid and fucking beneath me. I hate comedy.

oh cmon. the only classic thing that they did was the Paul Rudd sketch

Yas Forums is the next generations Reddit.

>aw them live few months ago.
>fucking hilarious shit.
>the only cringe thing was they had a singing montage sing a long with the crowd, and at the end they flashed a fat guys sunken penis on the screen
>still funny

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Their humor is above the normies perception. You are wrong. Only a select few will truly click with and understand the divine humor.

I dont care how many layers of irony you are trying to hide behind, you cant even copy and paste correctly.

>being a turbo nigger

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Yeah it was with this guy that it became the norm

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Have fun not enjoying shit and trying new things.
Tom Goes to the Mayor isn't nearly as "absurdist" or "sketch drive" because it has a plot, but keep having your own ideas about something you've never seen.
Why is the B'Owl theme song so damn catchy and why do I want a full version?

You mean Tom Green.

>Sarah Silverman
Unironically this. I'm even seeing people on Yas Forums using her bits verbatim now. It's surreal watching it happen and meanwhile she's an unfunny jew etc.

*but with this guy

I don't even know who she is or what her style is.


He's not wrong.
Yas Forums

You could argue she pioneered shock value in the modern era. Plus she used to be legitimately racist against asians though she would claim it was just an act.