She's right, you know

Villeneuve is a hack

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How does Marvel come from a singular artistic vision? Even capeshit comics are churned out by corporations.

Twitter screencaps threads should be a bannable offense site wide. Prove me wrong.

Why? It helps start an on-topic discussion.


Thunk she's referring to classic capekinos like the Raimi trilogy and the 90s Batman kinos

Doesn't each series have tons of different authors? But other than that, I don't disagree with her.

>giving literally who #108377592 free publicity when you could just type that shit out in the fucking OP
Fuck you.

>liz franczak
>literally who

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I appreciate Liz but she's desperate to be seen as the next Anna K despite having no artistic/cultural appreciation whatsoever

She's bigger than Anna K; TrueAnon has almost double the listeners as RS

Even though she's an even dumber bitch, at least Anna knows she's retarded, and she's funnier too. Trueanon brings together two of the most irritating dweebs from that part of twitter

>Doesn't each series have tons of different authors?
Yes so technically I don't see how it can't be singular.

2049 is scifi kino and completely worthy of of the original

> le can only have 1 movie per story fallacy

i guess that means a fistful of dollars it he only leone eastwood western that counts


>"star wars and marvel and dune... it's all vacuous"
>gets wet when yet another shit reboot of Little Women comes flushed down the chute

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>liz franczak
i still dont know who this person is, seems just like some random on twitter

>putting capeshit and starshit in the same sentence as Blade Runner
fuck off pajeet disneycucks

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she seems like a cunt but she's right here

>>putting capeshit and starshit in the same sentence as Blade Runner 2049
Based & accuratepilled

>Why? It helps start an on-topic discussion.
1. The average twitter user is an attention-seeking narcissistic cunt
2. Because of #1, their opinions posted are always unnecessarily sarcastic, caustic, and self-important because they want to be the next asshole to say something "witty" or "deep" and receive a billion likes or retweets that makes them feel like they're socially important since they lead an empty life of internet social approval
3. Because of #2, these people never have anything truly insightful or interesting to say. They're just endlessly dumping hostile, sarcastic opinions in the hopes that one of them stick and spread like a virus so they feel validated.

That's why twitter screencaps as an opening should be bannable. These are not important people. They are not saying important or insightful things. Posting their screencaps as an OP gives the illusion that twitter posts are "worth more" or matter, and they don't. They inherently go against the anonymous nature of this website.

Lmao I ain't reading all dat foh man

unassailably based


i will make liz my wife

>literally a literally who self promoting herself on Yas Forums
what did she mean by this?

What? The original Dune movie was plagued with executive decision to reshoot certain scenes or cut them out entirely. It had multiple releases of different cuts. Even Lynch doesn't like it.

Also Star Wars was saved FROM George's sole vision which would have included a ton of absolutely retarded things like an overtly Asian religious tone.

That's a yikes from me

Neither does Anna K so that tracks.

That one video about Scott Pilgrim ruining a generation of women except it's Anna and Dasha

who stupidpol here

>How does Marvel come from a singular artistic vision? Even capeshit comics are churned out by corporations.

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People still actually post in that shithole? Didn't it get taken over by libs?

do you not know about the role of editors?

I don't like a lot of Anna taste but I respect her knowledge in the field. Liz is just a proud ignoramus

None of that matters, all that matters is that the thing being discussed is Yas Forums related and gets people talking about it. I have never gone to a person's Twitter because of screencap, you shouldn't care anyway.

This. I have full confidence in Villeneuve, if he can't do it, no one could. Incendies, Enemy, Prisoners, Arrival, Sicario, BR2049 were all kino movies of completely different genres. He's far from being a director with no artistic integrity whatsoever.

>2049 is scifi kino and completely worthy of of the original
how can you unironically type out this sentence

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