This made people cry and shit their pants in 2002

>this made people cry and shit their pants in 2002

Attached: file.png (530x399, 542.47K)

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It was an original idea, dont be so mad

>i was too young to see it in theaters

he did it again, he posted the meme again!

Samara scared me as a kid a lot not gonna lie. Thank god for scary movie 3 that mocked her a little and that eased my phobia

Two movies fucked me up when I was a kid. The ring and thirteen ghosts. Someone had to sit in the bathroom when I showered because I was afraid that after opening my eyes from washing my hair, samara would be there.

I've been meaning to watch the American versions, the Japanese films weren't particularly scary.

Attached: Rasen.1998.Bluray.1080p.x265.10bit.MNHD-FRDS.mkv_snapshot_01.31.19_[2020.02.07_22.17.58].jpg (1920x1080, 944.37K)

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Attached: muld.jpg (745x445, 55.14K)

>this makes people cry and shit their pants in 2020

Attached: asdasdasdasdasdasd.jpg (474x325, 14.04K)

For me it was all the cute pics of her falling out of a wall mounted TV and stuff like that. God bless fanartists


I know this is bait but the movie only briefly flashes this image on screen for a couple seconds, it doesn't let you just stare at it and take in how silly it looks devoid of context.

For me it was the signs aliens. Thank you based Leslie Nielsen for sucking down alien piss for my ‘peace’ of mind

Sometimes I just cry and shit my pants for no reason

Attached: 1576536905290.jpg (750x421, 58.32K)

For me it was the JAV porn of her getting gangfucked and bukkake’d as soon as she climbed out of the TV.

got the code for that one?

I saw this in theaters when I was 12, I didn't cry or shit my pants but it was probably the most scared I've ever been watching a movie. Upon revisiting it as an adult it's laughable, I don't know how such an absurd plot could freak me out so bad.

Attached: noooooooooo.jpg (240x138, 5.35K)

Oh thank fuck, I thought I was the only one that did that.

Woah spoiler that image dude, I started crying and nearly shit myself!

Please provide a timestamped photograph of shit in pants, together with a statement under oath of a person that:
1.) The shit belongs to said person
2.) Said person shat him/herself during or shortly after watching the film
3.) The defecation act is the direct result of said film and not in any way attributable to a preexisting medical condition.

Point 3.) needs to be independently verified by a practicing medical doctor.

I will refresh this thread every second. I closed all tabs.

You have my exclusive attention.

I am waiting.

Why did you post an image of /lgbt/ trying to pass?

This. The movie used it effectively.

to this day it ranks among the top 3 jump scares of all time

1. Large Marge
2. Bilbo's Scary Face
3. Ring Closet


This scene scared the fucking hell out of me when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure it gave me nightmares. Now it just looks silly.

Attached: signsalienwalking.jpg (600x322, 35.45K)

Samara still scares me, in fact she is the only movie monster to actually scare me

I was 12 when I saw this in the theater and the opening really put me on edge. To this day it's still one of my favorite horror movies. The part where she goes to the cottage at sunset and finds the well is goddamn panic-inducing.

>Bilbo's scary face
Yeah what the fuck was that, why did he mutate like that.
Also I'd replace large Marge with Sloth from Se7en

>mfw I smell a fart

they do this with the main chick's love interest at the end too don't they? although it's even easier to miss his face and i remember pausing to catch it (in broad daylight obviously) and feeling a little disappointed

This movie freaked me out for years, for no other reason than, at the end when she makes the copy and shows it to the audience, the phone rang.
Was watching it with half a dozen people, the timing was spot on, fucking terrifying.

It took people by surprise. It's preceded by a scene that looks like some pg-13 "horror" then WHAM

Cute feet