Who should play him in the upcoming sports biopic?

Who should play him in the upcoming sports biopic?

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Noooo not the meany wordy

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>turn racers into gamers for just a few months
>already saying the n word

200 years from now people are going to be laughing their asses off at the forbidden word

>virtual race
do americans really?

Does this mean professional pilots are LITERALLY video game streamers now?
Or does "virtual race" have a different meaning from what I imagine?

Remember when white people didn't destroy each other's lives over the feelings of niggers? Good times.

200 years from now we'll have an A-Word, a B-Word, a C-Word, a D-Word...

Fuck the left.

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Is this peak America?
>some hapa mutt
>burger company on his uniform
>"virtual race"
>obsession with DEE ENNN WURRRRD

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>C word
>D word

Racism isn't funny.

That's considered white in America, though

Nobody is laughing, Amerimutt. We're sad at the state you're in.

>virtual race
Who actually thought this was a good idea? They could literally go to the track without fans and just film them driving in a giant circle 500 times.

Niggers tongue my anus

>one word perhaps not even said out of malice towards a particular race is enough to bring down someone worth millions
Is this what black fragility looks like?

Unironically based

The real question I have is one of the reasons y'all bitch about white people using the word is you claim "it's your word", but isn't that the problem with it in the first place? How does the definition of the word change with black people using it as opposed to white people?

Based, most exciting shit to happen in lefturn since dale sr hit wall


Neither is the violence and rape niggers bring to this world.

They put a little asterisk on it at the end that says they can use it but only if they end it with an 'a'.

It's also completely unacceptable to say "colored people", but "people of color" is fine.

>"That's a red ball."
>"Excuse me, ball of red."
There we go much better thank you that'll be one college tuition please.

>be most promising racer
>says bad word
>career ruined
Why is this allowed?

that's right, it's HILARIOUS

and lastly FUCK JANNIES

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Kyle Larson is based and redpilled.

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Idris Elba

He should just go to being a full time streamer at this point, that way he gets to use the gamer word as much as he wants.

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Then why am i laughing?

>calls someone a hapa mutt
>can't type nigger

>Racism isn't funny.

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I think your hat is on fire, fren

What did he mean by this?

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>the money and the ethnic vote aka niggers

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do you really think youre replying to an actual black person, autistic boomer? stay on facebook