>Imagine no possessions
Imagine no possessions
It's hard cuz I'm a jew
this kike deserves be curbstomped
it's easy when you murder the middle class, dood dood
>leftypol still seething
>no borders in israel
Before you do that, can I play with her feet?
Jews don't care about sentimental value. They want you to hate possessions so they can possess you some day. They don't want you to own yourself or think for yourself.
>imagine wanting a better world
Lol @ leftycucks wanting a better world
Imagine being civilized
>imagine international bankers controlling everything
Give me all your stuff. I will lift the burden of possessions from you
Ok now you give me all your stuff
I'm sure you leave your front door wide open and let people take whatever they want, right? You want that better world so bad, lead by example for us.
I'll do it if you do
The fake smile she has perfected to get you to smile back
I hate it
I actually can imagine possessions, though. So I think i'll keep mine.
Jews are smarter than Whites.
>song written by a millionaire who made money off of royalties and lived in one of the most expensive buildings in NYC
Lennon deserved it.
Imagine there's no borders in Israel
>leftypol wants to curbstomp jews
>Yas Forums wants to curbstomp jews
>Still tricked by the jew into fighting each other.
Then you don't get it
Enjoy wallowing in the shit that is the primitive human condition, never imagining what could be
If Jews can secretly control the entire planet, they probably deserve to take what they want. No different from whites plundering every other continent, yet pol seems fine with that
Wow, never heard this one.
post civilized address so you can enrich people's lives
Imagine no Jews
Hershlag was cute in this
>Imagine letting millions of beaners pour across your border because fuck wypipo n shit
Jew, chinks and niggers have no shame. World would be better without them.
>leftypol wants to curbstomp jews
only because of their skin color
are the khazar ladies teasing us goyim boys? i think they secretly want that uncut goy cock.