So its fucked then?

so its fucked then?

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>paying money for pozzed garbage

Not even gonna pirate this.

wasn't Kynes Channi's father? how about that as a reason why he should be a man?

inb4 "twitter thread" fuck off

Wtf I thought Denis was our guy

Liet Kynes, Father of Chani is now a black woman. Frank Herbert must be rolling in his grave.

since when?

He's going to make a good movie, not a movie that panders to Yas Forums, retard.

so now she's chani's mother. how does that change anything?

>He's going to make a good movie

nice bait

Since BR2049

it's going to be great

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frank was a hippie and probably would be a SJW today. he was literally holding speeches about global warming in front of smelly honghaired stoners in the 60ies and 70ies.



denis has been a pozzed feminist since the beginning of his career

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Every single one of his movies besides prisoners has been feminist. He’s always been like this
Movie is about a school shooter fed up with feminists
Movie is about a female surviving and escaping the harsh brutality of Middle East
Main character is a woman and she divorced her husband to focus on her career
Main character is once again a woman that’s the best translator on earth and saves humanity
The male character is ultimately useless and a nobody. The chosen figure of the revolution is Deckard’s daughter and the leaders of said revolution are prostitutes

>star wars/harry potter analogy

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Ironic that he made the best incel movie of all time with BR2049 though

It's over. RIP.

Why are you people so stupid? He’s a Hollywood director from Canada, were you really expecting him not be a feminist

>white man replaced by a black queen
Sounds pretty based to me.

you had me until this, you're reaching so hard it's embarassing, back to Yas Forums

Another nerdy thing took over by these faggots I guess. At least I still have the books. And this kino song.

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you dumb niggers, liet kynes dies alone in the desert, this is still kino

Yas Forums virgins are the ones that worship this film

cringe and yikes

This, but unironically.

I want to die.

Kill me.

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I hate millennials

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BR2049 is over rated. The waifus are 10/10, and K is great, but the movie as a total is subpar, and its themes are dullard trash with hackneyed slave metaphors and a real pandering message. It's not nearly as interesting or as profound as the original or the PKD book. It also wholly misses some of the low fi urban realism.
The fact that Wallace not only personally designs all the androids, but also is the mastermind by every other major tech and plot-relevant development in the movie, strains disbelief. it makes me wonder if they were catering to Leto's ego. In the original, Tyrell was a genius, but seemingly just designed the brain, presumably of the advanced Nexus-6 models and not just the android brain in general. We're led to believe a much more complex and advanced world outside of just the story. No one happening or person or even set of persons is the centerpiece of everything, and that's the way the world really is.
And if you examine it closely, all those failures can be attributed to a special kind of Hollywood reductionism. The themes aren't about humanity or any existential struggle, they need to be about topical themes popular among the West Coast elite. And it needs to follow the "world-changing" stakes that every blockbuster requires these days.

When you look at the "point" of this guy's movies, and all those little Hollywood reductionisms, it's no wonder he's pozzed.

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At least she'll get blown to kingdom come halfway through, so that's something.

The Barin in Denis' movie won't be 1) a homo 2) a predator, and 3) a fatty

How does Yas Forums respond

>Discussing the film in its early stages, Asher-Perrin writes that "Baron Harkonnen needn't be obese for the sole purpose of making misguided points."
>She suggests that the film find "a different way to highlight the Baron's obsession with excess", and argues that the character's iconic suspensors could be presented as "an affectation of laziness rather than a physical necessity."
>Travis Johnson adds that the novel's depiction of Harkonnen as "a predatory homosexual" is problematic in 2019.
>He writes of the new film, "It's going to come down to the writing and filmmaking as to whether this characterization will fly in the current era, or will come across as an unfortunate throwback stereotype."


I still don't understand this. Are they that tasteless and chicken shit?

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So is Kynes white in the novels?

So he's not the fucking Baron then
He's just some white guy villain in a suspender

the film industry is full of arrogant talentless douchebags, I'd be surprised if 5 people working on the movie even read Dune

Can't speak for Polytechnique, Incendies, or Arrival, but the female lead in Sicario is presented repeatedly as being an incompetent moron who needs to be saved repeatedly by the cool, confident men. They even say that the only reason she's on their team is that they needed her for a bureaucratic position so they can seem legitimate. And BR2049 ends with the heroic incel drowning le bad woman. These movies are hardly feminist propaganda.

Who cares, it'll be shit no matter what

Everyone here always told Dune was about space Muslims, I thought there were no whites in the books at all

of course it's fucked

Fucking hell

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All signs point to "never watch"

are you kids fucking retarded?
it says right there
>"It's going to come down to the writing and filmmaking as to whether this characterization will fly in the current era, or will come across as an unfortunate throwback stereotype."
so the homo shit is in
he's not sure whether it will "come across as a stereotype"
if they have a brain in their heads they will realize it's EXACTLY the right time for the Baron, a despicable character, to be a pedo fag. Fags will hate him, normies will hate him, all for free. A problematic VILLAIN is a good thing.

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They are white Muslims. Think of Afghan Pashtuns or Bedouins from the Arabian Peninsula.

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What are you on about, the message of the movie has very little to do with the shitty replicant rebellion, that was the only part of the movie that was stupid. The movie was about what it meant to be a human and destiny, near the end K finds out that he isn't half-human like he thought and that his so-called destiny was a fraud so he conquers it and claims his humanity and his meaning through his own actions. I can kind of get your point about Wallace but with more and more power being consolidated by narcissistic individuals irl it's not so far out of the realm of possibility that digital tyrants like Wallace can exist one day.

No, no it is fucking not in. It is depressing seeing someone like you hoping for nothing. I am so, so sorry. It's shit. One of the most deliciously evil book characters is now just some guy.

Read the book and find out retard.