Stunning and brave™
Imagine a world without borders
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Imagine Gal Gadots slender feet stroking your rock solid cock
There's nothing more ironic than a bunch of Israelis singing about not having border and shit.
imagine there is no male pattern baldness.
>no chest
>no ass
fucking yikes
That's a poor quality tranny you got there
>Imagine Israel had no borders
>Imagine no Muslims or Arabs, and no Ethiopians too
>No one to segregate or sterilize
>It's easy if they die
...go on.
Imagine there's no tiddies
And no ass too.
Why do some people act as if John Lennon was some kind of wise man?
Imagine there’s no trannies
No Niggers and kikes to rob us
And no jannies toooooo
Imagine all the channers,
Shitposting for toooooooddaaaaaaayyyyyyy oooooooooooo
You might say, I’m an user, but I’m not the only one.
What do you call this
>NOOOOO! How DARE you put together a small viral video while you've got nothing else to do during lockdown! This did NOTHING to solve every one of my small personal problems!!!!
Why did normies get so outraged by it? It's just a little music video. Who cares?
Dude atheism lmao
Imagine is such a cringey song
It’s what happens if you make some good songs
imagine a world without hollywood
Because the 50's was the first time celebrities started getting involved in activism and spiritualism and by the 60's it had reached fever pitch. The Beatles were the biggest celebrities and John was the biggest of The Beatles, so people assumed he had some answers. John himself was quite messed up, he'd swing wildly between believing his own hype and thinking he was useless.
Imagine acting like this just for standing in front of a shitty green screen
All about context my nigger. Hot tub and infinity pool behind you is prolly not the right context to deliver that message.
Because he was a Commie.
what message? they where singing a familiar pop song from the 60's. That's it.
Why is it that all action movies made by women have these stupid bullet time slo-mo crap like it's 1999?
should have sung It Ain't Me
Technically, it's a song from the 70's. But there was a message in this performance, the message was: "LOOK AT US! EVERYBODY LOOK AT US! PLEASE LOOK!" and the message came across loud and clear, what celebrities fail to understand is that they're all Court Jesters, they dance for other people's amusement, they have our attention, but not our respect.
Reminder that John Lennon beat his wife and is therefore based
This is pseudo-Norf FC, nowhere near as good as all the others
and then, a month later, e-celebs are still talking about it because they want attention
you're wrong
plenty of normalfags actually respect celebrities
That song is socialist propaganda.
Can you imagine being so far up your own ass you think you're saving people by singing a song asking people to stop believing in God
Imagine spitting on a celebrity in the street.
Not socialist, John Lennon and the rest of the Beatles were into weird Indian gurus and stuff. It's eastern philosophical stuff
If you go to any small town in America they think celebrities are retards.
Theres literally one autist in brit/pol/ that makes 90% of them
her fucking skull could be a course in ATV Offroad Fury
Imagine all the beatings
e-celebs are jesters to, but they cater to a small, insular audience which loves them, so they're not as annoying, I rarely hear about their antics, whereas every-time Natalie Portman sneezes the news is shotgunned all over the internet.
There's a downward trend, it's slow, but it's going down. A decade ago nobody would have criticised something like this.
Imagine no celebrities, no pedophilia too, imagine there's no Jews here, running our countryyy
Just saying, before Lennon died he was on the path back to Christianity.
Isn't Eastern Philosophical stuff very ascetic? My impression of Lennon was that he was very hedonistic.
He's a hypocrite faggot like all people in a certain income bracket.
>back to Christianity
Which makes sense, since the group that was bigger than Jesus had broken up.
Do you really want to join us
Can the world really live as one
Lennon never knew what he was doing, his whole life he bounced between Christianity, Hinduism/Buddihism and New Age occult stuff. Once, he quit drugs and buried his stash on the garden lawn, a week later he changed his mind and spent days digging up the whole yard trying to remember where he left them, he never did, they weren't discovered until the 21st century.