What are some woke nu-Hoolywood movies?
What are some woke nu-Hoolywood movies?
Chani is a desert dweller
what are some Yas ForumsJWs who can only talk about indenity politics and nothing else?
other than OP
but why does she look like a mexican nigger mix in the new one?
Wait liet is black tranny now huh
Wait. Is Liet a woman in the venidune?
It's Dune, they're sand people. This is not as outrageous as other instances of blackwashing.
>first has actors from bergman movies
>second has random niggers whos biggest role was spiderman homecoming.
oh yeah, this movie is gonna be great.
This is gonna be another Jupiter Ascending.
You do know that niggers are not the prime inhabitants of deserts right? you do know africa is not one giant desert right? god damn.
>spends whole life avoiding sunlight
>are black
If you haven't read dune why comment?
Chani and Liet being brown don't matter to me, although I do agree that it makes little sense for a people who try as much as possible to avoid the sun to be dark skinned
But why did Liet-kynes have to change gender
>Moves at night
>Full body suits that cover everything
Huh you're right
Africa is not a fictional sand planet. I was talking about a fictional sand planet. The idea that a fictional sand planet would be partly inhabited by black people is not absurd or immersion breaking.
>Due to living on Arrakis, the typical Fremen appeared as a sinewy human with leathery tanned skin
How come they weren't pale then?
It better represents the American landscape
shut up jew
there not typical Fremen
The Virgin racist vs. the Chad fiction nerd
Because Yanks don't know what a middle eastern person looks like, they just cast a medium brown person
>change idenity of characters
>woah bigot how dare you talk about it
They aren't pale. But tanned implies they have light skin genetically so? yea they are white but low moisture in skin makes them look malnourished and don't have vibrant flesh. Leathery isn't referring to color but texture.
just make the Fremen Arab looking
explains why the Sand People are so inaccurate with blasters if they were wee gollywogs
it isn't exactly changing an important aspect of their identity. this change literally changes nothing important about the nature of the character.
You're missing my point. Tanned skin and black skin are obviously not the same. I'm just arguing that if a certain race of people lived for millennia on a hot desert planet, they could be black. This is further supported by the fact that they were tanned, i.e. they were at least partially exposed to the sun and the heat of Arrakis. You know how dark skin evolved in humans right?
Fremen in the books are not black. But the changes to their appearance in the movies is not as outrageous as, say, inserting black knight characters in a movie which is set in medieval Europe like it's nothing. This just isn't worth being autistic over.
Are they even white in the books?
No, they're basically Arabic looking. Zendaya is very close to that look.
>Zendaya is very close to that look.
>this could not pass as an Arabic woman
Ok buddy
For americans north europe is 100% blue eyed blonde people and everywhere else in the world is pure sub saharan african from the deepest jungles of africa, there is no inbetween
Liet has blond hair and olvie skin. Fuck you i will complain they turned him into some sub sarahan women. Frank herbert rarely defines characters appearance but serveral time he point out liets features as white.