Tell me about margot
Why does she wear the mask ?
Tell me about margot
so you wanna be a sicario
she's a flat girl
dumb cunt
>no gloves
She's bluepilled and gullible like all maskoids
Gloves are far more important to wear
Those dill pickle kettle chips are fucking gross
she's probably ashamed about Birds of Prey
wash your fucking hands
Margot Robbie? More like Margot Robbery!
Zapp's Cajun Dill Gator-Taters are based though.
Post more cute actresses using masks
I hate hollywood so much. This bitch had to make sure she looked
before going shopping for food. Worthless subhumans.
she can rob my house any time
What if she broke in and raped you though
I carry an alcohol based spray with me
>Raped you
it will be the other way around
i will pound her in the puss
I would rape her back
gloves are trash tier compared to a real mask and goggles unless you have no sanitizer but even then most people end up just spreading it more instead of only touching essential shit and then washing properly
>be celebrity
>do your own shopping
>not wearing a p100 and goggles
dumb bitch
>light to no makeup.
>Simple comfy clothes.
>A cap because it's stylish and a bandana because no masks.
What you on about ?
Shut up faggots and as i demand
>no gloves
oh no no no
me thinks this fridge will be spreading a certain novel virus
not an actress but she cute
Im cooming
holy shit she's small
don't coom or i'll cut your fucking dick off
does she have a potassium deficiency