I'm the first non Brazilian to travel backwards through time

>I'm the first non Brazilian to travel backwards through time

I don't get it.

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It's random, therefore funny. Get it?

Shitty Simpsons jokes general

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Brazilians didn't evolve so its like they travelled back trough time

It was a random throw in joke, it's not supposed to make sense. The guy who wrote it regrets it and says it's a shit joke.

This is the episode they finance a new kitchen right? Even as a kid I noticed the animations became more souless after this episode

He was supposed to say ''first non-fictional character to travel through time'' which is a joke at least but Matt Groening wanted it changed to Brazilian for some reason

originally he said "I'm the first non-fictional person to travel through time."

>I'm the first non-Sneed to get feed and seed

This crappy joke is what they paid Thomas Pynchon for.

Dan Castellaneta changed it.
So instead of the tag being "Peabody and Sherman are real in the Simpsons universe", it's "Peabody and Sherman are not Brazillian".
Dan Castellaneta is an unfunny hack. Watching the Simpsons Live episode makes this very clear.

The bit with Jon Franzen is equally terrible . I think there's a dumb joke about making corrections to something. Big brain literary references amirite

The writers becoming insufferable suck-ups to celebs and intellectuals was the real death of the show.

Le fanneh meemes
Come on, sing it with me
>here I am *clap* *clap* *clap-clap* feed you like a sneeedeeeer, yeah babe, woohoo!:D

This is what I fucking deserve. If I was less suspicious and nicer then I wouldn't even know the fucking tranny. He would be some dumbass I vaguely met once and never saw again because I was too busy. Same with his faggot boyfriend and his brothers.

>Didja do de burdowsah?
Floating head
Wanna know more about it?

Checked and confused

I would rather get mocked by you than have to see that tranny fuck again. God, I hate that fucking freak and his loser family. Every last one is a loser.

At least it's a joke. "Gravity's Rainbow Cookbook" literally means nothing and that's all the Simpsons writers could come up with.
Pic related, Pinecone gave them "V-licious" and "Frying of Latke 49".

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The joke is that Brazil is a third world shithole; going there is like traveling back in time. Of course a faggot libtard like Groening wouldn't get it.

Because cosmetic surgery or whatever Brazilians did in the 90’s

Are you okay?

I think they were refencing a brazilian author who said he traveled back in time through the use of drugs
Still, a very obscure and unfunny reference

>i don't get the reference therefore it's bad
Your typical simpsons fan

I wish I wasn't crazy. I wish I was normal. I wish I was normal and didn't know an ugly fucking cross dresser.

I thought it was Homer misunderstanding timezone or something but even that doesn't make any sense

That still doesn’t make any sense.


This is peak redditor humor. Literally just shitting out reference to something you consider to be "high literature" and flex your dick. It's not even a joke.
The funniest part is Gravity's Rainbow is a huge Psued Honeypot and really shitty.

Quiet, you.

I'm trying to think of a better gag. First thought was person outside Connecticut because of the Mark Twain of all that that pretty obscure so maybe non British person because of Doctor Who and H G Wells Time Machine?

How doesn't it make sense? The joke is that he is, in fact, a fictional character.

the fact this one line has lead to much discussion shows how good the joke is

I've said tons of awful things I shouldn't have. Awful, terrible and cruel things but dude, take a fucking hint. I clearly do not want anything to do with you.

Are you taking crazy pills again?

Her sister was looking at my butt but I don't mind. If she wanted to sleep I would have. She was a nice girl. I shouldn't spout off crazy, evil shit.