Did Gone Girl (in particular, the character Amy Dunne) ruin a whole generation of women?
A lot women anow act all sweet before turning into a manipulative bipolar the moment they get the ring. A lot of men fall into that trap ending up ruined.
Did Gone Girl (in particular, the character Amy Dunne) ruin a whole generation of women?
A lot women anow act all sweet before turning into a manipulative bipolar the moment they get the ring. A lot of men fall into that trap ending up ruined.
You honestly believe that's a new phenomenon?
Well it very well brought out the fact that it’s normal now.
>fight club sets a bad example!
>gone girl sets a bad example!
That's the same as those retards who think violent videogames are bad. Live in the real world, OP.
How would you know? You have never been with a woman
Man she is peak white woman. She just needs to head to dr. Miami to get butt transplant just to be 100% black approved
>another “women BAAAAAAAAAAAAAASED” post
Hmmm. Playing devil’s advocate, did video games secretly desensitize a generation of kids to violence and doom to, you know, help them cope with some upcoming violence and doom? Going further down the rabbit hole, did video games low key teach basic combat tactics to all of them as well? Maybe to have a basic skill set / knowledge in the event of a mandatory draft?
How would you know user. Unless you haven’t.
lol I meant this user
yeah, and they expect you to eat them out now because of that library scene.
Women have been like this since the dawn of humanity. If you ever have sex you’ll understand.
if you have a psycho gf or wife you just have to ram them up the ass really hard and often and they'll settle down
you can guarantee that user doesnt get butthurt if he sees women complaining about men
Alright, find a way to support that postulate and we'll see.
I’m the same person
I kind of think it’s self evident. Not necessarily in so many words. But socio-political subversion and hostile political control through various media for sure.
Then be a man and keep her in fucking line. What sort of pathetic specimen lets himself be subordinated by a woman?
support my prostate ya bitch ass slapdick nigga
I watched with my mum and she said Amy is fucked up and definitely not a role model.
I know Ben Affleck has never been the same since.
>Maybe to have a basic skill set / knowledge in the event of a mandatory draft?
The mandatory draft will never again be a thing in western countries
People who don’t wanna be there have a habit of fragging their CO’s like in ‘Nam
its a moot point as Any war serious enough to warrant a draft is also serious enough to collapse the very idea of nation states and humans will form small tribal communities rendering any centralised govt/army impossible
No, they were always vile. From the moment Eve scammed Adam.
>the moment they get the ring
So? It's only scary if she leaves you, if she stays with you it means she's into you no matter how she behaves
No, I don't think it's self-evident and the very fact I disagree puts that in question. But go ahead, I'm actually curious to see some eventual metadata on the question. Keep us posted user.
Am I the only who find her acting bad in this movie? It's the way she talks, it's like she's constantly trying to put on an accent
>So? It's only scary if she leaves you, if she stays with you it means she's into you no matter how she behaves
So you’re willing to go through mental and physiological abuse from her just because you take that she’s into you?
it didn't change anything, it just helped men see what was already there
No, it simply pulled back the curtain on the true nature of women
Women have always been like that..
My ex were so into the same movies as me, liked hearing about shit i found interesting and whatever. She seemed perfect. Then at the 6 month mark the mask fell completely. She started burping, never wanting to see a movie that wasnt all kinds of shit, watch retarded shit on TV.. ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Complain about being stressed out and not managing to cook/clean do whatever useful shit, yet watching TV and playing some retardo game on her phone or tablet.
Sex started to become like a trade to her, so when she wanted to fuck i knew something was up.
I started to just ignore her full time, when cooking dinner i only made it for myself, only washed my clothes etc. When she was trying to sex me into favours i said i was too tired.
Then i killed her.