>This all means the company is losing as much as $30 million or more a day, the media industry analyst Hal Vogel estimated in an interview. The company borrowed $6 billion at the end of March, a sign both of its desperate plight and lenders’ confidence that it could rebound.

well well well...

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nooooo not the disneyino!!!

it's because of the virus isn't it?

It's over mouse niggers


wtf that not shill yesterday told me Disney was doing great?

I honestly never thought I would live long enough to see the death of both the mouse and theaters at the same time. What a weird world we live in.

What is costing them 30 million a day to upkeep?

Everything they fucked up over the last 5 years.

underage prostitutes and blow

They haven't releaseBlack Widow and some other movies i guess, so they don't bring money.
It's a good thing i guess. I hope everyone will release their movies on piratebay instantly soon, without cinema bullshit.

It's not costing them $30 million a day, it's simply lost revenue. Money that they could have been making. Sure they'll have losses, from wages, maintenance, etc, but those will be very minor. Disney is going nowhere.

It's a sinking ship mouse nigger

>losing 30 million a day
boy sure would be nice if they had a billion dollar war chest created by star wars toy sells, wouldn`t it.
but I am sure turning the most beloved franchise of all time into feminist propaganda that alienated most of the fans was worth it.

the park upkeep?

>The company borrowed $6 billion

From who? And 6 billion is like half of their net income in the last two years.

>implying the mouse will die
investors will be lining up to help them out, the brand is way too valuable to let it die

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>disney borrowed the money they assumed they would have made

why are thermometers taking jobs away from honest americans?

>closed for 2 months
>literally on life support
There’s no way they’re this bad off unless they’re completely irresponsible and retarded.

>the brand is way too valuable to let it die
theyre on the way out faggot.

so wait you're telling me that this entire time Yas Forums was actually right and Disney was objectively destroying everything it touched?

>completely irresponsible and retarded
Where have you been the last few years?

90% of their businesses depend on people leaving their homes (home video is just ancillary and Disney+ is just starting)

people have been accusing them of cooking their books for years now and they two main income sources in terms of movie releases and park revenue has been put on hold indefinitely.
they are definitely being hit harder by this then most normal companies

Creatively, yes. Financially? I don’t think so.

>Here's why they won't die

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not even a disney fanboy but if you think disney is anywere near death you're delusional

they're bleeding

Money isn't real. They'll be fine.

Its not fair I love Mickey Mouse

they just loaned another 5 billion. How big of a fuckup are you in if you all of the sudden needs to borrow more than 10 billion dollars?

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If it bleeds, you can kill it.

my thoughts exactly

Can we start a crowd funding campaign to get people to donate to Disney? Claim it’s to keep a ‘Champion of LGBTQ rights in the fight’?

We should have more threads shitting on Joker, disneybros.............

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They will make them back once new marvel or princess movies hit the cinema.

Couldn't of happened to a bigger group of Jewish scumbags

Kill yourself mouse nigger

>There’s no way they’re this bad off unless they’re completely irresponsible and retarded.
They've been cooking the books for years, do you think a piece of shit like captain marvel really made a billion? Do you know ANYONE who paid to watch that garbo?

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